Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas words of wisdom

"The true spirit of Christmas is giving, sharing, and love." - C
"Christmas is Jesus's birthday and Matt's birthday and family day." - H
"You need to have a clean room for Santa to come." - S
"Do you want me to cancel Christmas?" - J have Christmas through a child's eyes again.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Data collection

DONE! Finally I finished data collection for my pilot study. Now lots of analyzing a writing. Merry Christmas to me!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

For those of you waiting for our Christmas card...

you will have to wait a bit longer. Apparently when Walmart says the cards will be in the store between 12/14 & 12/16 they actually mean after 12/18 - or who knows when, we already have your money sucker! Yep, my cards have apparently entered the Walmart black hole, so when they climb their way out I will send them off. Until then you will have to wait for the cute photo of the kids and update on our crazy life!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My face hurts

It was soooooo COLD today. Seriously I had to wait for the bus for about 10 minutes on campus and my face actually hurt. It stung and I actually made a wincing sound when the wind blew. It was 18 degrees, but real feel was 5 degrees. It took me a couple of hours to finally warm back up completely. Now it is 15, real feel -5. I think I will get out the electric blanket.
Anyone know when Spring will be here?????

Friday, December 10, 2010

Spiraling out of control

My kitchen looks like it hasn't been tended to in days (lots of days). The reason you ask? Well the end of the semester is always a mad dash. I have many things tied up now (I have been very productive), but I am now on to the list of things I have been neglecting. Dishes should probably be on there, but I have to admit I have more pressing things and I usually save that for a time when my brain is fried. I would be mad at J for not pitching in to help out on the dishes (when I am obviously preoccupied), but today we learned he has a spiral fracture in his right pinky finger. I guess that is a pretty legitimate excuse to stay away from dish duty. Especially since the injury was about a week and a half ago. He got it playing basketball, which further supports that soccer is a superior sport :) He doesn't meet with the specialist for another week or two, so we won't have any more answers about next steps until then. This just reminds me that when J does anything it is usually with fanfare - so a normal break wouldn't do for him - spiral it is! In the meanwhile let's hope the kitchen doesn't continue to spiral out of control.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little blessings

I am a little overwhelmed with the few things I need to tie up for school/work. I have a huge pile of grading, a test tomorrow, a paper to finish, a study to complete, grades to input, data to analyze, a study to write up (this one will be going on for months), and an interview (which I really need to get ready for). So at moments like this I often have 2 choices, panic (this involves lots of crazy dreams), or chip away at what I am doing and try to feel peace. I am opting for the second one - but decided to take a short break for a post. With the second choice I often have to think about my blessings to pull through, so today I am grateful for a family who still loves me even though I may disappear for hours on end to work, mutual (which has become a mandatory break for me - it can be stressful beforehand, but I always feel better able to tackle work after spending an evening with energetic young women), a great husband who doesn't care if the house falls apart at the end of the semester and picks up the slack in the parenting department. I am also grateful that H changed his mind and asked Santa for starwars legos (granted mom had to discuss a few things about greed when his list included a Monster Truck RC car, Wii, and DS), and a daughter who only wants a booster (she calls it booter) seat and polly pockets. My kids are great and I'm pretty sure Santa will be able to deliver.
Hope your holiday preparations are going well - I still have much to do. For those of you in school - I hope your semester winds down beautifully!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Word of wisdom from C

When C was asked what she is thankful for she told her preschool teacher - makeup and jewelry. My only question is how is she thankful for makeup when she doesn't have any? Maybe the thought of having it in the future, or watching mom use it, or the occasional blush she gets?

Also the kids are already excited for Christmas. No big surprise there. H has already asked for a Nintendo DS, remote control Monster truck, etc. My thought: dream on buddy. When I asked C what she wanted Santa to bring she said "I will love anything that he brings." I then said "What if he brings a football?". She told me "Well that would be for H unless it has flowers on it!" So I guess she would even be happy with a football as long as it has flowers on it! I think she is going to be easier to shop for than H this year.

Hope the start of your holiday season is great!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Turkey treats

This is proof that I am doing something besides school work right now (although that is consuming more time than I thought was possible - and I still don't feel on top of it all).
Tonight Laurels are in charge of mutual - we are playing games with a Thanksgiving twist such as duck duck turkey, are you thankful for your neighbor, freeze tag turkey style. I promised to make a treat and when I saw a turkey cupcake in the weekend newspaper I couldn't pass it up!
Here is the outcome:

The whole turkey gang

Monday, November 1, 2010

I have not forgotten

about all of you. I am just trying to keep swimming during an entirely crazy part of the semester. You can look forward to hearing from me later this month after New Beginnings, conference presentations, and big semester projects are all completed. Maybe I will post a good one during Thanksgiving break. I have a whole week...I know you are all catch up - and maybe take a nap. Speaking of naps I took a lovely one yesterday. Sundays are super for that and it was fantastic!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Niagara Falls

When Grandma was here we took a trip up to Niagara Falls since John had a game at Niagara University. The kids loved the falls, the adults also thought they were amazing, and it was a beautiful day weather-wise. Next time we go I will definitely venture to the Canadian side, the view would be much better from there.

Keep on Truckin'

Things are moving along in our neck of the woods. My study is moving forward and things are going well. We also had visitors. Both Grandma and Nana came for a visit (each for a week and just a few days in between their visits). J has also been keeping busy with soccer and construction work. The college season is winding down some, but playoffs are coming up so he isn't done yet. In other news I am applying for a non tenure track position at Penn State. It is renewed year by year so I have the option to move on later if I want. It is a great opportunity and a rare honor to be considered to remain where I am working on my studies. (This is not a common occurrence in academia - but since they have been adding special education classes for general education majors they have a large need for faculty to teach these courses). I will keep you updated on details. I am still not sure of my exact graduation date, but if all of this goes through I plan on having my data collection completed by the fall (with graduation in August of December depending on how smoothly things go). We love where we are and are excited to prolong our stay a while more.
I will be updating about recent grandparent visits soon. Unfortunately I am not sure I snapped any photos of Nana - how did that happen?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I collected data last week in case anyone cares!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A good day...

and life is about to get even busier. Friday I got my final participants for my study. So, beginning tomorrow I go and collect baseline data (just data of what is happening now). I am very happy, but realize that I am going to be even busier than I already am - hum, how will that work?

Monday, September 13, 2010

The dangers of using a port-a-potty

Soccer season is in full swing again - as well as football season which is huge around here (bet you couldn't have guessed). So it is also the season of port-a-potties popping up all over. You know the temporary solution to having too many people in one place (football games), or people places where there are no facilities (soccer games). I am not a fan of port-a-potties. They generally stink, usually are missing toilet paper, and how are you supposed to wash your hands?
However, C is still isn't able to hold it long - when she says she has to go...she means now! She has become a big fan of the port-a-potty for convenience reasons and I have to say it is better than wet pants.
Last week we went with friends to football eve (this is a huge event held the night before the first football game of the season). They even have a Santa all dressed in blue and white - mind you he was black, but still a Santa?!
Normally I stay far away from these events and when we left I remembered why. Not even 2 minutes into our long line of car wait C announces "Mom, I have to go pee pee!" Really???? Where do you take your girl pee when you are stuck in a line of cars? She eyed one of those obnoxious blue port-a-potties and said "take me there". Only problem was that it was only accessible by going the opposite way of traffic and there would be at least a 5 minute wait to get there. The other option was to park my car in the middle of the traffic and walk there with a 4 year old in the dark - not something I am willing to risk with a million college students around who aren't good drivers under normal conditions. So we waited and tried to go the opposite way of the traffic - no one was buying it. They didn't want to let me through, but I was a mom on a mission - by golly. I worked my way - going the wrong way - to the port-a-potty and we made it on time. I think people finally figured out why I was being so crazy, but it was completely irritating at the time that they wouldn't budge. I guess I shouldn't have expected a bunch of 18-22 year olds to read my mind, especially since they aren't probably well acquainted with the need to rush a child to the potty!
Then today we ventured to another port-a-potty at the soccer field. C frequents this one a lot since we are there for practice each week. It was clean and didn't smell awful, but she was panicking because there was a spider web (oh the horror!). I convinced her this potty was her only choice and I would keep a look out for the missing spider. Then as we unrolled the toilet paper there was a wasp...good thing I spotted it or there would have been an uncomfortable bottom!
So a warning goes out to all of you. If you want to use a better be willing to weave through traffic the wrong way, dodge spiders, and/or look for wasps on your toilet paper. Just saying it is even more dangerous than we ever thought.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to school for real

After 3 weeks of me back at school, the kids are finally back as well. H had 2 days already. Things went better than expected since she thought his teacher would have a beard (her name is Mrs. Beard). He has a few friends from last year in his class and likes his teacher - thank heavens!
C starts tomorrow. She is thrilled! She cried when H went back and she wasn't starting yet. I am sure she will do super in Preschool.
I am just happy to have everyone in their new routine. The last few weeks have involved a lot of juggling and I have called on more favors than normal from friends. Thanks to everyone who helped out.
Hopefully I will survive the semester.
**I am a bad mom so there are no photos to accompany this. Maybe we can take back to school photos on the 3rd day of school?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday

to J! 31 today and celebrating by having the first practice with H's fall soccer team.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Papa will be proud

Growing up my dad always wanted a Honda. With 7 kids you don't always get what you want right away, so he had to settle for less expensive versions of his dream car. Eventually he bought a Honda lawnmower. It was his pride and joy. By the time I was in high school he got his dream car, and has since bought 3 or 4 Hondas.Well today we joined the club! We bought a Honda. Not a lawnmower, or a car, rather a small motorcycle (50cc). Can't say it is our most practical purchase, but when you can get a great deal from friends who are moving, you do it! Harrison loves the thing and made us proud by not crashing yet. John seems to like it too although his knees hit the handlebars. Need to get a motorcycle helmet before any more rides, but for now we own another vehicle (that can't even go on the roads legally).

Friday, August 27, 2010

Spicy eye

You know what happens when a four year old decides to play with a packet of Taco Bell hot sauce?

Lots of things could happen, but in this case the packet split down the side, squirt in her eye and all over the sofa. Some would sue, but I screamed and ran with her to the bathroom to wash her eye out. Not recommended I tell you! Plus it makes for a red, spicy eye.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Am I crazy?

Answer is probably yes, but it was really a rhetorical question.
This semester is going to be busy. I may have said that before, but I think this one will be the busiest yet.
This is what I have planned:
Help teach 3 classes
Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities - sat in last semester taught about half of the classes and this semester I will teach nearly all.
English Language Learners - This is s new class that I will be coteaching with a professor for my assistantship.
Assistive Technology - Another new course I will coteach with my advisor.
Take 2 classes
One research class - which will hopefully help with my dissertation proposal
Audit another class about augmentative and alternative communication interventions
I also need to collect data for my dissertation pilot study. I was going to do this 3 days a week, but given my schedule I will shoot for 2 times a week. Not sure how long it will take, but hope to begin after Labor day sometime.

Well that is all I have planned on the school front...remember I still have to figure out how to be a good mom, wife, and do my YW calling well. Good thing I like all of those things (including school), or it would be a miserable few months. I can't wait until Thanksgiving break! I have plans to sleep!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shake your booty

Today the song Shake Your Booty (that pretty annoying but very catchy disco hit with only three words repeated in the entire song) came on the radio. Yep that one. Well the kids loved it, laughed, danced to it (shaking their booty), etc. Pretty funny! Now C keeps singing the song over and over and doing the motions with it - just imagine and then think of something about 10x funnier. I know I need to get it on video!
In other news I am back to the grind. It is an adjustment moving back to the "school pace" I need to have. It would be a little better if the kids were back in as well, but they still have a few weeks, so they have been testing out lots of houses trying to get childcare covered. So nice to have a super ward. This week they are with 3 different families, next week 2, etc. I think they kind of prefer it that way - keeps it exciting. Apparently they have been entertaining a 6 month old who doesn't see much action. Hopefully the don't ruin him or his mom will have to play karate to entertain him (that is what they played today). I love my kids, but I realize that everyone else may not feel the same, so I hope they aren't too annoying.
This semester I will attempt to teach/coteach 3 classes, take one class and conduct my pilot study for my dissertation. Maybe in my spare time I can also be a mom, YW president, housekeeper, and wife. Might be a stretch, but I have had a couple of more relaxed months to prepare for this. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

C's favorite things

For any of you who know C you know two things about her. First she is messy! Her room is constantly a disaster - I am not even sure a tornado could accomplish what she is able to do. I have even had friends make comments about her amazing mess abilities. Recently when a babysitter was over she mentioned that she has never seen a child make such a big mess eating. Yep, that's her and she doesn't seem bothered by it in the least. Maybe that is why we wear aprons for some meals - bibs are for babies, but aprons are for messy big girls.
C also loves to sing. She makes up her own tunes (like the one she made up for our closing hymn last night at FHE). She also loves the primary songs she learns at church. She shares a couple on this clip (and a mild version of her messes).

**Hooray for me for figuring out how to post video with my new Macbook and video camera.**

Monday, August 9, 2010


Either C thinks just one flower bow in her hair is not enough, or she is trying to compete with the flowers in the front yard that are in full bloom. Who knew a head could double as a bouquet?


In the background right now I can hear (as well as much of the neighborhood) J chewing out the insurance company and dr office about the 80th bill he has received for his appendectomy. Mind you this was over 18 months ago, so getting bills still is more than aggravating. He is not pleased since no one seems to have answers about how to solve his billing issues. I can't wait until we have insurance that doesn't stink to high heaven and a husband who doesn't have to yell on the phone to take care of bills.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dictated by H

Now that it is August I have a few more things I want to do before school starts.
-Fly my kite
-Play computer games
-Go to open swim
-Go camping
-Build things with Dad
-Clean the basement with Dad and sweep it with mom (no that is not a typo, he really said it)
-Go to the Grange fair
-Go to the lake
-Go to Grandma's house
-Go to Nana's house
-Catch fireflies
-Eat popsicles
-Play date
-Sleep over
-I need to try to wait for winter
-Get new school shoes
-Earn things from my prize box
-Try to finish my job chart before school starts
-Practice for Fall soccer
-Play soccer in the backyard with friends and Dad
-Learn stuff for school
-Find out who my new teacher is
And last get ready for school!
Hum pretty sure not all of those will be happening (i.e., go to Nana's and Grandma's), but we will try to fit in a few. He has a month, I only have 2 weeks. One filled with the Autism conference.

Big bummer

I am loosing both of my YW counselors this month - moving away! I am completely bummed but hope that I can get new people in place before the swing of the new semester begins. Most of all I will just miss those ladies and I know the YW are going to be distraught today when they find out one of them is moving. Argh!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I am feeling a bit sentimental today - so you have fair warning for what is to come. Nothing specific that sparked it, just a quiet Sunday afternoon where the kids are mostly getting along. I am so grateful that they often like each other. With all that quiet I realized that in just 3 days my baby brother is on his mission! Well, he will be in the MTC first then off to Mexico. I have to say I am slightly jealous that he will return fluent in Spanish. I really wish I would have taken more time to learn another language. It seems so effortful now, yet isn't that kind of ridiculous? I am, after all, working on a PhD which is quite effortful. Anyway, although he may not read this before he leaves here is what I would not be able to get out if he were in front of me.
Uncle B (Seems I always refer to you this way because of the kids)-
I know it must be hard being the baby in our family. Such strong opinions, so many giving suggestions on how to run your life. Seems we all have our quirks as well which can't make navigating us all easy. I know these past couple of years have been somewhat filled with trials for you, mom and dad. I don't know all the reasons for those trials, but I am sure you will be a better missionary for it all.
I am very impressed with how sure you are of yourself - and if you are not you are a better actor than I give you credit. You have talents that are often hidden to others and I wish I would have been able to witness them more often. I am sure you were toted to many events for me as a kid, and I wish I would have been able to attend your events as often. Not that it was really possible in many cases, becoming a wife and mother changes life.
You may know this, but mom brags about you often. Not in a snobby way, but she is obviously proud. Don't ever skip a week writing to her, it would definitely be a sin. I am sure her letters will do much for you and yours will do much for her. She is the best mom around, make sure you let her know that.
Dad has a lot of wisdom in him. It may not always come across eloquently (does it for any of us really?), but I am sure he will send you many words of wisdom while you are away. I imagine he has been sharing them these past couple of years as well. Take it in, I am sure it will be a good memory.
I will try to be a good sister and write, but with limited time and my own kids the letters may be infrequent. I will do my best to at least send photos of the kids so you can see how much they change. I wish I could give you a super big hug before you leave, but plane fare is too expensive for our budget right now. Maybe I will have a real job when you return and I can actually visit!
I am not a perfect person, but I do know that the gospel is true, that missionary work is important, essential, and service filled. You will become more Christlike through it, and you will make an excellent missionary. The people in Mexico will love you. I can see it now - they may ask you to sing in sacrament meeting. You might play with their little children. A new improv night for a ward activity! They will become your extended family and part of you will want to stay in Mexico forever (even if the rest of you is dying to return after 2 years).
Missionary work has only ever made my life better. Dive into the work, immerse yourself and let it change you.
Lots of love!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My husband is awesome

I already knew this, but over the weekend he was at referee camp and he won an award. I am not sure exactly how they decided who got the award, but it was likely a combination of a perfect fitness score, excellent test scores (for soccer referee knowledge), and a good reputation. He didn't even know about it beforehand so he is still trying to figure out what it means. I think it means he is the coolest, best, most awesome referee around (but we already knew that)! Three cheers for you baby!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Once you go mac...

my laptop has been having some issues and with research coming up and the need for imovie on a regular basis I made the switch. It will be hard to get used to, but I like what I see so far.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


My goal was 100, but I came just short at 93 family names. I will take these to the temple to complete baptisms on Tuesday when I take the youth for our temple trip. It will be a fantastic day!

Happy birthday dad & tami

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Birthday girl

Our little "Fairy Princess" is turning 4. Doesn't that seem crazy? We celebrated early since I will be at girl's camp for her birthday (I feel like a bad mother on that one, but what can you do?). We celebrated by going to the beach in the morning. Note: the term beach is used in these parts to mean the edge of a lake where sand has been dumped so people don't have to drive to the ocean. The kids had a great time and wanted to stay longer. This was our second time to this beach. We had some other friends there. Our new next door neighbors loved it so much they were there from 9am to 4pm, and they are sunburned to prove it. We lathered on sunscreen, wore hats, and stayed only 2 hours, so we are not burned! Then the kids went and got hair cuts, and we came home to get cleaned up. After that we headed to the mall for C's bday wish - to have her ears pierced. She was so excited. I slightly remember getting mine pierced (I know my scream echoed in the mall). So in anticipation I made sure to go when there were two people to pierce. She picked lovely pink flowers with crystals (one of the most expensive pairs of course), but I am sure she will be happy wearing them for 6 months straight. When the time came she looked stunned but no tears, no I need mommy hugs, not even whining (and around here we all know she is an expert at that). She was a big girl! It took her a little while to really get excited about having them. I think she was a bit shocked by the whole experience, but last night she said "When they shot the earrings in my ear it hurt." Well I am sure that is true. Then we did a couple of errands (last minute camp items, groceries - good thing the girl likes to shop), and picked up pizza on the way home for dinner. We opened presents: dress up shoes, froot loops (not the ones that were recalled), a strawberry shortcake, sunglasses, and new hair flowers. She was thrilled by everything. We had cake and ice cream with neighbor friends, caught fireflies (a nightly ritual now - which means bedtime has been too late), and set off some fireworks. It was a great day. I love this little girl. Sure she is dramatic, and might make you crazy at times, but mostly she is fun loving, kind, great at cheering you on, energetic, happy, and funny. She is always making our day brighter and I couldn't ask for a better daughter! Love you stinkers.

an analogy

Doing research is kind of like an abusive relationship. Mind you I have never been in an abusive relationship, but I still think they are similar. Let me tell you why. One moment you are thinking yes this is going to work when your partner (or study) is being reasonable, then before you know it WHAM - something you just didn't expect comes out of the blue to totally ruin everything (say consent forms not being returned, an IRB coming back with a million changes many of which have already been approved, another delay in the study). You are frustrated, but you feel like you need to stick it out, you can't just give up this is your life. Plus you don't know who you can really talk to about the whole thing, I mean who would really understand what is really going on. The cycle continues and I can assume in this case it will until I either die, or things finally work out! This has been an incredibly frustrating process and I can't wait until the abuse of my first study is OVER.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Big day

Today within the hour my first publication will be off in the mail. My very first submission! I am feeling a little uneasy. The journal I chose has a good track record - over 40 years of publication and a solid choice for my review paper (several of the articles I reviewed were from this journal). The journal is associated with the Council for Exceptional Children - the premiere organization for the area of special education. It has an H index (the scientific impact and productivity of the journal) of 18 - I am sure this is low for many fields, but research in this area is a lot more sticky - and very few participants, so this is actually good for my area (the CEC main journal has an H index of 35 and an acceptance rate of 20%). This journal has an acceptance rate of 45%. So that has me thinking - is my paper, that I have been working on for almost 2 years, better than average? Time will tell. Wish me luck!

Friday, June 18, 2010

strawberry time

This year C and I took a girl trip to pick strawberries while H and J went shooting. It smelled heavenly and we picked two buckets full. C did much better waiting until we paid this year (last year she ate as she picked - and ate a lot, this year she just ate 3 near the end). She did swipe a few more before we got home.
She was a super cheerleader while I picked:
"Wow mom you are doing such a good job."
"You are really good at this!"
"Look how many you have."

She also made a few interesting comments:
"Mom I found a butt strawberry!" - Well, that sounds nasty!
"Mom, if a spider is on my strawberry will you shake it off?"
"Whoa, this one is enormous!" Really? Enormous? Such a big word for a little girl.
I should be able to get 2 nice batches of jam out of what we picked. Good thing because last year's batches are nearly gone.

Lazy days of summer

I am not sure that there will be many lazy days in my summer, but the kids seem to be managing. Yesterday we took a trip to the park. The kids enjoyed climbing the trees (but not necessarily climbing down - that is scarier). I forgot my camera, but luckily my NEW phone has a nice one built in. Hooray for phone that takes decent pictures! My old phone finally bit the dust - one to many times dropping the crazy thing. I can't talk about my new phone much more because it makes J jealous - but it is AWESOME! In other news...things are finally coming together a bit better for my study. New target start date - July 6th. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Here's to 10 years!

Take a walk down memory lane...10 years ago today J & I were married in the Mesa temple. It was a beautiful ceremony and I became Mrs. D! It has been quite a trip since then, 2 kids, 6 moves and lots of love. Love you baby!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Party animals

Just tell me if I am the kids are having their bday party (we combined for my sanity). We are expecting 20+ kids, and having a water balloon fight. Why did I agree to this??
This weekend we also have swim lessons, gymnastics, and 3 other parties. We are turning into regular party animals. I think I am going to need a nap!

children's fair

They have a great children's fair each year in our cute town. The kids and I ventured over for the day to check it out. Things were cheap (25-50 cents), and the kids had a great time. We did face painting, rode some rides, and did some fun games. We also had funnel cake (in honor of this great place that serves funnel cake to children at breakfast - and they wonder why obesity is a problem). I enjoyed myself so much that I think we will go again next year.

H is 7!

It is so hard for me to believe my son is already 7. Where does the time go? He was thrilled for this birthday this year (not that he hasn't been other years, but more so this year). He planned out the entire day. He had his special day at school (where you get to do show and tell and bring a treat). He took in cupcakes, soccer lined chocolate chocolate with multicolored sprinkles.
Then after school we went to the YMCA to swim. The kids loved that. I think I made the lifeguard nervous (seems like mostly teens and older people do open swim and they don't often need saving - 2 kids seemed to put him on high alert). That is fine with me - the lifeguard is getting paid to make sure no one gets harmed.
Then we came home and had homemade cheesy pizza bread (a family favorite thanks to Dina). He also requested key lime pie for dessert. He was a champ at blowing out candles (hope he made a super wish).
Then it was present time. The hit present was definitely the transformers from Nana & Papa, but he also loved the cards with money, and the world cup soccer ball dad picked out. (Speaking of the world cup, my life and TV is about to be taken over for the occasion, 3 games today!)
H is such a joy of a kid, parenting does get more complicated as they get older, but he has been a great guinea pig for our parenting skills. At his special day people get to give compliments. His friends said "I like how H is a really great friend." and " I like how you can catch really good." His teacher said, H is very quiet and cooperative boy." I pretty much agree with all of that (he isn't always quiet). He is a wonderful son, and brother, and he is a keeper!

Monday, June 7, 2010

So excited

H was so excited for field day today that he actually taped his clothes on the dresser last night. I am not even joking, his socks, shorts, shirt, and UNDERWEAR! I can honestly say I have never done that. What a crazy boy.
By the way, I realize I am a bit behind in posting about H's birthday. I will update that soon - lots going on here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy 35th Anniversary

to my mom and dad!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This is the last day H is six. I can't believe he is turning 7! He doesn't seem that old. He has a big day planned for us all. I will give the update later this week. I am hoping he still likes to give hugs when he is 7.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gotta love $1 theatres

Today I took the kids to see Diary of a Wimpy kid at the dollar theatre. It was a good one for the kids - although both the kids got scared at one point. H thought the movie - and book - was called Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid. I can say that would have probably skipped it if they made it into a movie. Although the best part of the movie was the toilet humor. I mean seriously who lets their kid eat breakfast on a training potty? Also I think his big brother deserved getting peed on! I know I need to work on what I find funny. I'm going to blame that one on Uncle J, M, N, D, & B - but mostly Uncle J. You know you all have toilet humor!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


In this case this does not represent an average score. This is how much Yoda weighs - holy cow, no wonder he gives me a run for my money when I walk him, put him in the car, etc. He is big and VERY STRONG. The vet even commented on it today. Plus we also learned that is poop is normal. Just what I was wondering! Hope your day was equally informational.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Geneaology I am doing it

I am taking a genealogy class at church. I tried this once before, but it didn't really take. Not sure if it was because C was a baby, or I was too overwhelmed to gather information. This time I think I have been bit. Seems like there is so much to do, but we also have found some pleasant surprises - lots of the work is already done! I know I thought I would only have time when I am old, but it is a great Sunday activity and very rewarding. Hoping to have lots of things ready for our youth trip to DC in August.

Funny thought

I got this through email today and thought it too true, so here you are! I like to think my priorities are slightly different, but I would like to have money when I am 35. Seems like a long shot at the moment.
At age 4 success is . . . . Not piddling in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . Having friends.
At age 17 success is . . Having a driver's license.
At age 35 success is .. . ... ..having money.
At age 50 success is . . . Having money....
At age 70 success is . .. . Having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . ... . Having friends.
At age 80 success is . . .. Not piddling in your pants.

Friday, May 21, 2010


My IRB finally went through so I can actually start on my research now. Just need to get consent forms signed and I am good to go! A very happy day!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Shouldn't have looked,

but now that I did I am dreaming instead of studying. BYU Hawaii just posted a position for a special education professor. Too bad it starts in Jan 2011 and would be completely impractical to move our family there. Something about being in a tropical paradise is appealing though!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have been living in limbo

But now I have my IRB back and have a few small revisions to make. Then off for approval again...then hopefully the research can begin. In the meanwhile I am keeping busy doing some summer assistantship work, editing a paper for publication, and finishing off my training materials. Who said I would have a break this summer?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's official!

H is going to need dentures if he keeps loosing teeth at this rate. He lost another one today at school - funnel cake made it loose and he finally got up the nerve to pull it out. I tell you that funnel cake it up to no good! What are they thinking serving it for breakfast at school? I actually think this one was loosened some by the bike accident, so we are going to need to invest in a mouth guard when he gets more of the permanent ones in. Hope your day was as exciting. The tooth fairy is going broke over here and H is going mad from all the tooth loss (just look at that crazy face!).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best mother's day ever

Today J got up before me - a feat for sure. He made me breakfast and had me try out my new bubble bath (I may have dropped a few hints about this since my last bottle was out). It was wonderful. Also got some new candles and lotions. We were even on time for church. The kids forgot their church bag, but were mostly well behaved. Both kids sang a mother's day tune. I got chocolate from the ward, and cookies from Sister Done - the best cookie maker in the ward! It was the best mother's day that I can remember. I think this is because both kids understand it and made a big deal out of it. C has been bursting at the seams to give me things she made or tell me about secrets. H has been about ready to strangle her a few times. Never had a new born at mother's day (only a huge nearly due belly or 11 month old - neither of which are all fun and games), but I think that is about the only thing that would beat this.


C was taking her bath yesterday and I commented on how large her tummy looked after a great dinner of hotdogs (her favorite - and she obviously ate a lot). She then told me she is having a baby, it is going to come out her mouth, and she will name it Sarah. I was laughing too hard to correct her about the baby coming out of the mouth.
She is all about learning how to be a mommy right now so I have been using that to my advantage to get her to help out. I tell her "this will help you learn how to be a mom!" Hope this lasts a while.
Today, to clear up the misconception from yesterday, we had a conversation of the way babies are really born (the preschool version). All she said is "does it hurt?" I was honest and said yes, but it is worth it because you have a baby in the end - and they have medicine so it doesn't hurt as much. She seemed satisfied. Kind of a nice mother's day talk with my baby girl - who isn't much of a baby anymore.

Sports star

H is quickly turning into the star of his team. This week he had two games. I think he scored 2 goals at the first one and 4 at the second (a hat trick in the first quarter). I actually felt a bit sad for the other team since the score ended at 10-1. This week he probably scored more since they played without goal keepers. C spends her time either cheering for H ("Go bubbas go")or playing with the friends she makes. She really has a knack for making friends in just a few minutes time. Here she is with her new friend S.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

By H

Today I talked to my mom about what I shold do for my birthday. my parrty is at the park in case you want to come.

princess birthday wishes

Once it starts getting hot the kids naturally start talking about their birthdays, which both fall in June. This year that happened in March (for a short spell) so we have been hearing about birthdays for a while now. C came to me recently asking if she could wear earrings. I tried to explain that she doesn't have her ears pierced - figuring that would do for now. Well then she asked if she could get her ears pierced. That girl is determined and hasn't stopped talking about it, so it looks like that will be happening for her birthday. She now knows that it will hurt and she will have to wear the same earrings for a while. For now she is making due with the sticker earrings that Nana sent. Have to admit those come off a bit easier than the ones she wants.

when it rains it pours

J and I went on a date on Saturday. While the sitter was with the kids, H fell off his bike and lost another tooth. That makes 3 in a week! He has a bruise in his mouth this time since it wasn't quite ready to come. He also got a nice skinned knee as a souvenir. I am just glad it was a baby tooth that was knocked out. He has another loose one on the bottom. At this rate he won't have any teeth for his 7th birthday - which promises to be a splash (water party)! Stay tuned he is turning into quite the bruiser and we may have more on him shortly.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

IRB in

I finally turned in my IRB (the document that needs to be approved so I can start my research) yesterday. I am hoping to have it back in 3 weeks or less (less would be nice). Then I have to start getting consent from my participants and hopefully by mid-May I will be actually collecting data. It has taken much longer to get here than I anticipated. I am not really very happy about that, but there isn't much I can do to change the past. Hopefully things go smoothly and my study (data collection part) will only take a month to complete.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The other tooth fell out! This time a casualty of eating funnel cake for breakfast. For those of you who are wondering: "Why in the world does she make funnel cake for breakfast?" let me assure you that I do not. This one was courtesy of our school cafeteria. So for the record we lost one from brushing teeth, and the other from eating funnel cake for breakfast - you've got to admit we are creative. Guess the tooth fairy needs to make another visit tonight. Oh, and now H says he looks like a baby - quite a change from the booty he was before!