Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shake your booty

Today the song Shake Your Booty (that pretty annoying but very catchy disco hit with only three words repeated in the entire song) came on the radio. Yep that one. Well the kids loved it, laughed, danced to it (shaking their booty), etc. Pretty funny! Now C keeps singing the song over and over and doing the motions with it - just imagine and then think of something about 10x funnier. I know I need to get it on video!
In other news I am back to the grind. It is an adjustment moving back to the "school pace" I need to have. It would be a little better if the kids were back in as well, but they still have a few weeks, so they have been testing out lots of houses trying to get childcare covered. So nice to have a super ward. This week they are with 3 different families, next week 2, etc. I think they kind of prefer it that way - keeps it exciting. Apparently they have been entertaining a 6 month old who doesn't see much action. Hopefully the don't ruin him or his mom will have to play karate to entertain him (that is what they played today). I love my kids, but I realize that everyone else may not feel the same, so I hope they aren't too annoying.
This semester I will attempt to teach/coteach 3 classes, take one class and conduct my pilot study for my dissertation. Maybe in my spare time I can also be a mom, YW president, housekeeper, and wife. Might be a stretch, but I have had a couple of more relaxed months to prepare for this. Wish me luck!


Michelle said...

Good Luck! Wouldn't it be nice if it could be summer year round?!

Papa Parrish said...

Good Luck!!