In other news I am back to the grind. It is an adjustment moving back to the "school pace" I need to have. It would be a little better if the kids were back in as well, but they still have a few weeks, so they have been testing out lots of houses trying to get childcare covered. So nice to have a super ward. This week they are with 3 different families, next week 2, etc. I think they kind of prefer it that way - keeps it exciting. Apparently they have been entertaining a 6 month old who doesn't see much action. Hopefully the don't ruin him or his mom will have to play karate to entertain him (that is what they played today). I love my kids, but I realize that everyone else may not feel the same, so I hope they aren't too annoying.
This semester I will attempt to teach/coteach 3 classes, take one class and conduct my pilot study for my dissertation. Maybe in my spare time I can also be a mom, YW president, housekeeper, and wife. Might be a stretch, but I have had a couple of more relaxed months to prepare for this. Wish me luck!
Good Luck! Wouldn't it be nice if it could be summer year round?!
Good Luck!!
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