Sunday, March 20, 2011


The other day it was about 70 degrees for a high - glorious and sunny! It didn't stick around, but I am happy nicer weather is finally at our doorstep. The winters are long here and I am ready for a change. In other news I am still incredibly busy, but try to find time for all of the important things. Some days are better than others with that. The kids are keeping busy with swim, gymnastics, and soon again soccer. No wonder I am tired on Saturdays.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow surprise

Last night into this morning early we got about 10-12 inches of snow, wet hard to shovel snow. I know because I spent 40 minutes shoveling the driveway this morning and that was with a little help from the person clearing our road (he shoveled off the top of our driveway with a bobcat). Oh, and H my big helper tried to help as well, but got bored fast. I thought spring was coming - especially since my bulbs are popping up, but I guess we still have a bit of winter left. Hope your weather is more springlike!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I've been a little bad at blogging lately. The reason is I am buried in work. I have a lot of things to get in line so I can start data collection for my study, and time is starting to get short. So, I am afraid you won't hear as often from me, but I will still try to post when I can.