Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The moment Jamie has been waiting for....

the big news is that I got the job at Penn State! It is a fixed term position for one year, but can be renewed annually. The position involves mainly teaching. I will teach 3 classes (all the same) the first semester and 4 the second (2 different, but one is the same from the prior semester). The classes are hybrid meaning they are taught using online materials and in class sessions. Each class meets for about 1.5 hours weekly. The classes are taught to undergrads in education (non special education majors - PE ed, art ed, gen ed, music ed, secondary ed, etc.). The grading and prep time are pretty intense, but it will be better than teaching 3 different classes with 2.5 hour lengths each (which is what I did last semester, among other things). Pay is great, and we are happy to stay put for a while. Only major drawbacks for this job are:
a) It is not a tenure line position. Less pressure, but also less security.
b) It isn't a research position. All research I want to do would be in addition to this position, so I will probably do less of it.
I see this as something I will do for a few years, but time will tell.
Right now I have to get back to work, I have a lot to get done before August 1!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

flexible carrots

C came home from preschool today with some "flexible carrots" (those were her words which are pretty accurate if you ask me). Apparently they were on her lunch tray. I am thinking that the lunch ladies need a little help with knowing when produce is fresh. I am not volunteering to tell them!
Did get me thinking though. First off C is getting too big! How does that happen? I mean really who puts the word flexible in front of carrot. That is just too smart and I can't believe she isn't little anymore - really a girl now, and a SASSY one.
Next, sometimes I am a little like a fresh carrot. A good way to be if you are a carrot, but not necessarily good for humans who need to endure a lot of different things and be "flexible." I have been trying to roll with the punches recently and it has been rough on me and emotional. I mean I should be able to relax and just let things happen occasionally, but often I get too anxious and frustrated to do that. Today I got some good news that I will gladly share in a week or so and it makes me feel SO happy! You know, actually the waiting part was good for me - and I am shocked I am even able to say that.