Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gotta love $1 theatres

Today I took the kids to see Diary of a Wimpy kid at the dollar theatre. It was a good one for the kids - although both the kids got scared at one point. H thought the movie - and book - was called Diarrhea of a Wimpy Kid. I can say that would have probably skipped it if they made it into a movie. Although the best part of the movie was the toilet humor. I mean seriously who lets their kid eat breakfast on a training potty? Also I think his big brother deserved getting peed on! I know I need to work on what I find funny. I'm going to blame that one on Uncle J, M, N, D, & B - but mostly Uncle J. You know you all have toilet humor!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


In this case this does not represent an average score. This is how much Yoda weighs - holy cow, no wonder he gives me a run for my money when I walk him, put him in the car, etc. He is big and VERY STRONG. The vet even commented on it today. Plus we also learned that is poop is normal. Just what I was wondering! Hope your day was equally informational.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Geneaology I am doing it

I am taking a genealogy class at church. I tried this once before, but it didn't really take. Not sure if it was because C was a baby, or I was too overwhelmed to gather information. This time I think I have been bit. Seems like there is so much to do, but we also have found some pleasant surprises - lots of the work is already done! I know I thought I would only have time when I am old, but it is a great Sunday activity and very rewarding. Hoping to have lots of things ready for our youth trip to DC in August.

Funny thought

I got this through email today and thought it too true, so here you are! I like to think my priorities are slightly different, but I would like to have money when I am 35. Seems like a long shot at the moment.
At age 4 success is . . . . Not piddling in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . Having friends.
At age 17 success is . . Having a driver's license.
At age 35 success is .. . ... ..having money.
At age 50 success is . . . Having money....
At age 70 success is . .. . Having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . ... . Having friends.
At age 80 success is . . .. Not piddling in your pants.

Friday, May 21, 2010


My IRB finally went through so I can actually start on my research now. Just need to get consent forms signed and I am good to go! A very happy day!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Shouldn't have looked,

but now that I did I am dreaming instead of studying. BYU Hawaii just posted a position for a special education professor. Too bad it starts in Jan 2011 and would be completely impractical to move our family there. Something about being in a tropical paradise is appealing though!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have been living in limbo

But now I have my IRB back and have a few small revisions to make. Then off for approval again...then hopefully the research can begin. In the meanwhile I am keeping busy doing some summer assistantship work, editing a paper for publication, and finishing off my training materials. Who said I would have a break this summer?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's official!

H is going to need dentures if he keeps loosing teeth at this rate. He lost another one today at school - funnel cake made it loose and he finally got up the nerve to pull it out. I tell you that funnel cake it up to no good! What are they thinking serving it for breakfast at school? I actually think this one was loosened some by the bike accident, so we are going to need to invest in a mouth guard when he gets more of the permanent ones in. Hope your day was as exciting. The tooth fairy is going broke over here and H is going mad from all the tooth loss (just look at that crazy face!).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best mother's day ever

Today J got up before me - a feat for sure. He made me breakfast and had me try out my new bubble bath (I may have dropped a few hints about this since my last bottle was out). It was wonderful. Also got some new candles and lotions. We were even on time for church. The kids forgot their church bag, but were mostly well behaved. Both kids sang a mother's day tune. I got chocolate from the ward, and cookies from Sister Done - the best cookie maker in the ward! It was the best mother's day that I can remember. I think this is because both kids understand it and made a big deal out of it. C has been bursting at the seams to give me things she made or tell me about secrets. H has been about ready to strangle her a few times. Never had a new born at mother's day (only a huge nearly due belly or 11 month old - neither of which are all fun and games), but I think that is about the only thing that would beat this.


C was taking her bath yesterday and I commented on how large her tummy looked after a great dinner of hotdogs (her favorite - and she obviously ate a lot). She then told me she is having a baby, it is going to come out her mouth, and she will name it Sarah. I was laughing too hard to correct her about the baby coming out of the mouth.
She is all about learning how to be a mommy right now so I have been using that to my advantage to get her to help out. I tell her "this will help you learn how to be a mom!" Hope this lasts a while.
Today, to clear up the misconception from yesterday, we had a conversation of the way babies are really born (the preschool version). All she said is "does it hurt?" I was honest and said yes, but it is worth it because you have a baby in the end - and they have medicine so it doesn't hurt as much. She seemed satisfied. Kind of a nice mother's day talk with my baby girl - who isn't much of a baby anymore.

Sports star

H is quickly turning into the star of his team. This week he had two games. I think he scored 2 goals at the first one and 4 at the second (a hat trick in the first quarter). I actually felt a bit sad for the other team since the score ended at 10-1. This week he probably scored more since they played without goal keepers. C spends her time either cheering for H ("Go bubbas go")or playing with the friends she makes. She really has a knack for making friends in just a few minutes time. Here she is with her new friend S.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

By H

Today I talked to my mom about what I shold do for my birthday. my parrty is at the park in case you want to come.

princess birthday wishes

Once it starts getting hot the kids naturally start talking about their birthdays, which both fall in June. This year that happened in March (for a short spell) so we have been hearing about birthdays for a while now. C came to me recently asking if she could wear earrings. I tried to explain that she doesn't have her ears pierced - figuring that would do for now. Well then she asked if she could get her ears pierced. That girl is determined and hasn't stopped talking about it, so it looks like that will be happening for her birthday. She now knows that it will hurt and she will have to wear the same earrings for a while. For now she is making due with the sticker earrings that Nana sent. Have to admit those come off a bit easier than the ones she wants.

when it rains it pours

J and I went on a date on Saturday. While the sitter was with the kids, H fell off his bike and lost another tooth. That makes 3 in a week! He has a bruise in his mouth this time since it wasn't quite ready to come. He also got a nice skinned knee as a souvenir. I am just glad it was a baby tooth that was knocked out. He has another loose one on the bottom. At this rate he won't have any teeth for his 7th birthday - which promises to be a splash (water party)! Stay tuned he is turning into quite the bruiser and we may have more on him shortly.