Tuesday, March 30, 2010

another step forward

The process of getting a PhD was a mystery before I began, but at times it still seems mysterious. I keep thinking some tasks will be easy, but they never turn out that way. Setting up my own research has been far more complicated than I initially imagined, and as a result my plan to start my study in March is not going to be realized. The good news is the facility I am conducting the training in is open year round. I had several weeks where it appeared I had made little progress, but yesterday I actually sorted out a lot of things and hope to have everything turned in for approval next week. That means it will probably be May before I actually conduct any research, but planning is an important step. All I know is that this is not for the faint of heart. On a similar note a student who is in the class I am teaching, and the practicum I am supervising asked me Friday "If you are always with us, how do you have time for your own work?" GREAT QUESTION! Perhaps this is my problem. J tries to offer some encouragement ("Get it done so we can get out of here!"). Now if that doesn't motivate you...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

special deliveries

In the past couple of days we have received a few special deliveries:
First a box from Nana and cousin L - clothes! C loves getting hand me downs and always has fun opening the boxes and talking about all the pink! Thanks to boxes from Aunt J, Aunt L, and Cousin E, we are set for a while. So nice
Then the kids got Easter cards in the mail with a dollar and stickers. Thanks cousin D & Family they love them!
Next cookies from the relief society, just to tell me they hope the semester is going well. Came at a perfect time since they were delicious and I was in a mood to try them (I am still trying to do one treat a day, but I skip it occasionally). Plus I must have had about 10 people ask me how I am doing today, so maybe my irritation with some things I am doing is showing on my face.
Finally I got a funny call from our backyard neighbor (one of the benefits of not having fences). Apparently her son (H's playmate) was sent to return some Easter eggs they had played with. We weren't home so he climbed in the doggie door and put them in our kitchen. So thoughtful! His mom was pretty embarrassed, but didn't go in after him (good thing, she is thin, but pregnant, so that could have been complicated - and I don't think anyone much bigger than H would fit anyway). Now I realize we better be on the lookout for miniature thieves entering through the doggie door. At least it gave us a good laugh!
Hope you get a special delivery soon!

Washington DC *warning* excessive use of photos

We spent the morning trying to get to DC. Plan A - park at a train stop and ride the train in. Problem: The parking lot is full. After waiting for a little while, we decided to take plan B - drive into the city. Plan B went well until J remembered he had a buck knife in the car. He told the security officers - they couldn't find it (even though it was in plain sight) and said not to take it in the buildings with us. I thought J might be in federal prison so that was one thing we avoided! Does kind of tell you about national security.
Next we were off to the museums. C spent the day running (and crawling) from here to there - with mom chasing after. I now see the appeal of the leash! She also managed to POSE for the camera now and then.
First museum stop - Natural History Museum. We spent some time investigating things for ourselves...

...looking at our what we are asking Santa for Christmas (I have been a good girl), playing dress up, and looking at the work of a million taxidermists. (We know you all go there to look at stuffed animals).

Then we headed on to the next museum - Air and Space - taking a detour at the skating rink and art park. C didn't enjoy this one quite as much, you can only look at so many airplanes as a 3 year old. We did agree that this would be a favorite for Grandpa.

Then we did more walking, and saw some park police on horseback. Someone started getting whiny (who's idea was it to get rid of the stroller when we moved?). She managed to hitch a ride - big shocker!

Then we made one last stop at the aquarium. We had been warned to skip it, but no one mentioned that it wasn't free - and in fact over priced. Didn't want to argue to we spent about 30
minutes wandering in a hallway of tanks for an extreme amount of money. Funny though, the kids enjoyed this one the best. C spent some time talking to a gator trying to convince it not to be scared of the water. It was rather cute! H learned all about animals from J.

Then C talked to Nemo, Marlin, and Dorey (seriously 3 fish identical to those in the movie, in one tank). Another hilarious conversation, too bad I didn't bring the video camera. Last we walked back to the car and stopped to say hello to Uncle D's boss - by the way he thinks you need to work nights again :).

By the end of the day we were all exhausted and ready to take a load off. Luckily we returned to a delicious dinner back at Uncle K and Aunt C's house. YUM! Think we will wait a while before going there again. In hind sight I think our kids are a little young for museums.
PS Sorry about the formatting, blogger is being difficult.

Finally Spring Break

During spring break we spent some time at Uncle K & Aunt C's house in Virginia. The kids had a lot of fun exploring their beautiful, and very large house. They just kept telling me... "Mom come look at _____, it is so (big, beautiful)!" It was mostly rainy while we were there, but we did have beautiful weather the day we went into DC. One of the favorite activities was hanging out in the basement in the play room. The kids really loved the rocking horse in the family room of the basement. H spent some time (when it wasn't too rainy) riding his scooter on the long driveway. We enjoyed great food, great company, and great conversation. Next up...our day in DC.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Trouble staying home

Some days I feel like a horrible mother - and some days those feelings may be valid. Usually though I am a bit hard on myself. Doubt there are any other women who have been through this :) Yesterday wasn't my best or worst day of mothering, but I had a lot of school work to get done, J out of town, so H was feeling a little pushed to the side. He made do by playing with nearly every person in the neighborhood. I am glad he is social. So today when I told him to stay home with us he was a little miffed. We finally agreed on some outside play without friends with the agreement that he would come in if his friends invited him over to discuss it with me. I figured this way we could make the choice together. So fast forward...I am making brownies with C for New Beginnings tonight (a YW event at church that was rescheduled multiple times due to snow and school conflicts for the girls). Then I look in the yard to check on H, and he is gone. I don't panic at first thinking he may be in the basement or snuck back into his room, or maybe he went into the front yard. Check all of those places, calling for him. No answer. Start to get a little worried, but figure he may have gone to his friends houses. C goes down to find him. Sure enough he went to his friend Nate. He plays there often even though there are nearly 2.5 years between them. So then I have to break it to him that he broke the rules, and must come home. The coolest thing about this is I didn't loose my cool, and I stood firm (two things I have a hard time with sometimes when it comes to my babies). I hate doing stuff like that, but we both survived and I got to have him home with me. I can't say I didn't get back talk, crying, or whining, but again we lived. Also he lost his soccer ball today, and we got to practice prayer to have help finding it. Today was a pretty good day on the mothering scale.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

potty mouth

Apparently C used some choice words while at a friends house this week. J has been working on their basement and my friend has been watching her while he is doing this and I am at school. Kind of embarrassing, but I guess it happens to the best of us - right Nana? She had a talking to and I don't think she will be using words like that again. Question is: Who did she learn them from? Feel free to post your ideas.

yeh ah

This is C's new way to say yeah - kind of makes her sound like she has a southern drawl, but she manages to take a one syllable word and make it into 2 multiple times a day. I know I am behind a little on posts, no specific promises about when I will post Spring break, but we did have a nice week.

In other news the sun is still shining (did have some rain for a while) and the bugs, bulbs, and grass are making an appearance. Not so excited about the bugs, but I guess you take the good with the bad.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hurray Uncle B

My youngest brother opened his mission call tonight...and he has been called to the Merida, Mexico mission. He reports to the MTC July 21 (if I heard correctly). We are so thrilled for him and his decision to serve a mission. What a great example he is for our family. Plus I have already thought of about a hundred ways I would like to use his Spanish skills when he returns! I have a feeling I will need to stand in line for that though. I am sad I missed out on the party and cheesecake, but the orange cream cookies at Keith and Carol's were a delicious substitute.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Something amazing happened today

The SUN came out! I even had to squint during my drive in to school. It isn't warm, but I have been missing the sun during this long winter. I can't wait until Spring actually gets here! For all you spoiled Arizonans - know we are jealous that you have been hogging the sun.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hard day

I got a call on Monday from one of my good friends and former classroom aide. She informed me that one of my former students AC had passed away. Today is his funeral so I thought it appropriate to reflect since I cannot attend. AC was such a wonderful student to have. He taught me so much more than I taught him. I have been anticipating his death for a while now as he was only expected to live to 5 (he made it to 11), but it doesn't really make it easier. I am so sad for this his family and those you love him. I am sure this is an incredible loss. I have been thinking a lot about his mom and how difficult this must be for her to lose a child. I can't even imagine what she is feeling. AC was one of the most cheerful people I have ever met with a smile that constantly engulfed his face. I have so many memories of silly and crazy things he did. Some days he wore me out, others he gave me energy. Yesterday I taught a class about special health procedures and I was able to talk about AC and how we arranged education for a child who is dying. I hope the lesson stuck for the students. I will miss him, but it will be a wonderful reunion when I see him again. Hopefully he is having a great time with BM - another student I lost a few years back. http://azdailysun.com/news/local/obituaries/article_6ea620e3-3cf1-5cb6-bae2-e1b418fdd831.html?mode=story