Tuesday, March 30, 2010

another step forward

The process of getting a PhD was a mystery before I began, but at times it still seems mysterious. I keep thinking some tasks will be easy, but they never turn out that way. Setting up my own research has been far more complicated than I initially imagined, and as a result my plan to start my study in March is not going to be realized. The good news is the facility I am conducting the training in is open year round. I had several weeks where it appeared I had made little progress, but yesterday I actually sorted out a lot of things and hope to have everything turned in for approval next week. That means it will probably be May before I actually conduct any research, but planning is an important step. All I know is that this is not for the faint of heart. On a similar note a student who is in the class I am teaching, and the practicum I am supervising asked me Friday "If you are always with us, how do you have time for your own work?" GREAT QUESTION! Perhaps this is my problem. J tries to offer some encouragement ("Get it done so we can get out of here!"). Now if that doesn't motivate you...


Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

HAHAHA! J is hilarious! You are amazing to do all that you do and not go insane! 8)

Papa Parrish said...

Be wise. Have patience and run the race that is set before you. Love, Mama P