We spent the morning trying to get to DC. Plan A - park at a train stop and ride the train in. Problem: The parking lot is full. After waiting for a little while, we decided to take plan B - drive into the city. Plan B went well until J remembered he had a buck knife in the car. He told the security officers - they couldn't find it (even though it was in plain sight) and said not to take it in the buildings with us. I thought J might be in federal prison so that was one thing we avoided! Does kind of tell you about national security.

Next we were off to the museums. C spent the day running (and crawling) from here to there - with mom chasing after. I now see the appeal of the leash! She also managed to POSE for the camera now and then. 

First museum stop - Natural History Museum. We spent some time investigating things for ourselves...
Then we headed on to the next museum - Air and Space - taking a detour at the skating rink and art park. C didn't enjoy this one quite as much, you can only look at so many airplanes as a 3 year old. We did agree that this would be a favorite for Grandpa. 

Then we did more walking, and saw some park police on horseback. Someone started getting whiny (who's idea was it to get rid of the stroller when we moved?). She managed to hitch a ride - big shocker! 

Then we made one last stop at the aquarium. We had been warned to skip it, but no one mentioned that it wasn't free - and in fact over priced. Didn't want to argue to we spent about 30
minutes wandering in a hallway of tanks for an extreme amount of money. Funny though, the kids enjoyed this one the best. C spent some time talking to a gator trying to convince it not to be scared of the water. It was rather cute! H learned all about animals from J. 

Then C talked to Nemo, Marlin, and Dorey (seriously 3 fish identical to those in the movie, in one tank). Another hilarious conversation, too bad I didn't bring the video camera. Last we walked back to the car and stopped to say hello to Uncle D's boss - by the way he thinks you need to work nights again :). 

By the end of the day we were all exhausted and ready to take a load off. Luckily we returned to a delicious dinner back at Uncle K and Aunt C's house. YUM! Think we will wait a while before going there again. In hind sight I think our kids are a little young for museums.
PS Sorry about the formatting, blogger is being difficult.
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