Thursday, March 25, 2010

special deliveries

In the past couple of days we have received a few special deliveries:
First a box from Nana and cousin L - clothes! C loves getting hand me downs and always has fun opening the boxes and talking about all the pink! Thanks to boxes from Aunt J, Aunt L, and Cousin E, we are set for a while. So nice
Then the kids got Easter cards in the mail with a dollar and stickers. Thanks cousin D & Family they love them!
Next cookies from the relief society, just to tell me they hope the semester is going well. Came at a perfect time since they were delicious and I was in a mood to try them (I am still trying to do one treat a day, but I skip it occasionally). Plus I must have had about 10 people ask me how I am doing today, so maybe my irritation with some things I am doing is showing on my face.
Finally I got a funny call from our backyard neighbor (one of the benefits of not having fences). Apparently her son (H's playmate) was sent to return some Easter eggs they had played with. We weren't home so he climbed in the doggie door and put them in our kitchen. So thoughtful! His mom was pretty embarrassed, but didn't go in after him (good thing, she is thin, but pregnant, so that could have been complicated - and I don't think anyone much bigger than H would fit anyway). Now I realize we better be on the lookout for miniature thieves entering through the doggie door. At least it gave us a good laugh!
Hope you get a special delivery soon!

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