Monday, September 13, 2010

The dangers of using a port-a-potty

Soccer season is in full swing again - as well as football season which is huge around here (bet you couldn't have guessed). So it is also the season of port-a-potties popping up all over. You know the temporary solution to having too many people in one place (football games), or people places where there are no facilities (soccer games). I am not a fan of port-a-potties. They generally stink, usually are missing toilet paper, and how are you supposed to wash your hands?
However, C is still isn't able to hold it long - when she says she has to go...she means now! She has become a big fan of the port-a-potty for convenience reasons and I have to say it is better than wet pants.
Last week we went with friends to football eve (this is a huge event held the night before the first football game of the season). They even have a Santa all dressed in blue and white - mind you he was black, but still a Santa?!
Normally I stay far away from these events and when we left I remembered why. Not even 2 minutes into our long line of car wait C announces "Mom, I have to go pee pee!" Really???? Where do you take your girl pee when you are stuck in a line of cars? She eyed one of those obnoxious blue port-a-potties and said "take me there". Only problem was that it was only accessible by going the opposite way of traffic and there would be at least a 5 minute wait to get there. The other option was to park my car in the middle of the traffic and walk there with a 4 year old in the dark - not something I am willing to risk with a million college students around who aren't good drivers under normal conditions. So we waited and tried to go the opposite way of the traffic - no one was buying it. They didn't want to let me through, but I was a mom on a mission - by golly. I worked my way - going the wrong way - to the port-a-potty and we made it on time. I think people finally figured out why I was being so crazy, but it was completely irritating at the time that they wouldn't budge. I guess I shouldn't have expected a bunch of 18-22 year olds to read my mind, especially since they aren't probably well acquainted with the need to rush a child to the potty!
Then today we ventured to another port-a-potty at the soccer field. C frequents this one a lot since we are there for practice each week. It was clean and didn't smell awful, but she was panicking because there was a spider web (oh the horror!). I convinced her this potty was her only choice and I would keep a look out for the missing spider. Then as we unrolled the toilet paper there was a wasp...good thing I spotted it or there would have been an uncomfortable bottom!
So a warning goes out to all of you. If you want to use a better be willing to weave through traffic the wrong way, dodge spiders, and/or look for wasps on your toilet paper. Just saying it is even more dangerous than we ever thought.

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Motherhood brings out the courage in all of us....but you have an aversion to porta-potties....isn't this the girl I found with her foot in the toilet to wash dog poop off her shoe by flushing repeatedly? Mama