Monday, November 24, 2008

Too funny

I was going to get back to work, until C just decided to turn on the TV. It came on to PBS and it was the chair workout. For those of you who don't know about this at all it is a workout designed for the elderly or disabled and it done sitting in a chair. I just looked over to see if she wanted the channel changed, and she was doing the workout! Holy cow that was a riot. She is too funny! Oh, just an aside J went to the doctor today. He has had a bad cough and it was sounding raspy and fluid filled. I convinced him to go - as I thought it was bronchitis. What do you know - I was right. I am so smart sometimes! Not that I wanted to be right on this one. As a result, he got to buy $85 in medicine to get better. Could it be that reffing soccer in 20-30 degree weather can make you sick?

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Please stay healthy and strong!! May your antibiotics work fast.