Sunday, November 16, 2008

another week

Well, I have a few highlights to add for the week.
1- We now have the house wrapped (I don't know the technical term). It is ready for the roof trusses, footers for the porch, and siding soon. J was disappointed this week when it rained the day he was supposed to have concrete poured for the porch footers. Windows are hung and we ordered doors. This week we are finalizing choices for the siding, roofing material, fascia, etc. Next we move onto choosing cabinetry, door hardware, etc.
2- H and C let me sleep in two days in a row! It helped that I finally decided to put the dog in his kennel each night. He has been getting in the habit of waking me between 5 and 7 to go out. This wouldn't be annoying if I actually wanted to be up at this time of day, but since I need to be at class late two nights a week I have found it is better to wake up a bit later (generally around 7 or so) so I am more alert at night, especially for those classes. Either way Saturday I slept in until 9 and today until 8. Wow gotta love this! I have been sick again this weekend - this time with an actual cold, so the sleep was welcomed even more.
3- This weekend H asked me if he could call his whole class to have them come over and play. I am such a mean mom and I told him no. To try and make him happy we changed the subject to a day trip next Saturday as a family. Still no decision on exactly what we will do, but maybe one of the nearby children's museums. We will save the dinosaur museum for when we visit DC - maybe over Christmas break. For those of you who don't know this I really haven't left a 30 mile radius since we moved here, so I am equally excited for the day out.
4- C is still potty training, but no luck with #2 in the potty. Not sure if she has the poop fear that I have heard about, but we are trying to work through it. She is also become an expert at the tantrums where you fall on the floor and kick and scream. Wow, she is dramatic. What is bad is that sometimes it strikes me as funny - I think man if I did that would I get out of dishes, or laundry, or homework? I have to hold back the laughter as I imagine myself trying her stunts.
5- On an academic front H is doing well in school based on his parent teacher conferences. I am as well. I have 2 of 3 papers in draft form. Two need to be completed in the next couple of weeks, with one due right before Christmas break is over. If I can get that one in draft form over Thanksgiving I will be in great shape. If I had to estimate how many pages of text I have written thus far this semester (including those from redrafted writing) I think it would be well over 300 pages by now. Shocked? Me too! Scary part is this is probably mild compared to what is to come. Next semester I am taking stats, single subject design, completing candidacy (which determines whether I remain in the program), taking 3 seminar classes, working on a research project, and sitting in on a class and supervising practicum teachers for my assistantship. That should keep me busy.
This next week it is supposed to be miserably cold - and likely that way for a few months at least. Good thing we didn't move from Phoenix or our clothing budget would be out of control right now. Hope all of you in sunny AZ are living it up because come May I will be shouting Nanny, nanny, boo, boo.

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