Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Photos

Halloween is interesting in a small town. Apparently here the city determines the day for trick or treating. Luckily people realize we are new and clued us in - otherwise we could have missed it entirely. This year it was scheduled on Thursday night. WEIRD! All of this was done on a different day because...yep you guessed it, football. The world revolves around football here so if there is a home game on Halloween surely no one would think of trick or treating at that time. It was best to move it to another day. I think I will always be an outsider around here. It would take a lifetime to get used to some of this thinking. Now for a few cute pictures.
H and C in the leaves that night.
The kitty & Spiderman by our Jack o'lantern. It really ended up looking like Michael Jackson which is the scariest face anyone could carve, but it was really not intentional - I just stink at carving - even cut my finger doing it. The hair on the jack o'lantern this year is to disguise the attack by the dog- see previous post for details on that one!
H was being a wuss - he doesn't like the feel of the pumpkin seeds so he insisted on using a spoon.

C was using a spoon after H example - she actually didn't refuse to touch the pumpkin.


Darcy & Nathan Parrish said...

Ha when I read what you said about your Michael Jackson pumpkin I laughed so hard I spit all over my computer. I thought you were saying that C looked like Michael Jackson!

Amber said...

Was H Spiderman last year as well? I have a picture in my mind of him in a muscle man suit.

Douglas Family said...

Amber, you got it he did a redo of last year, but no one here knew what he wore, so the only thing that will be affected is his scrapbook. No big deal and the outfit fit better this year anyway.