Sunday, November 9, 2008

more 2 year old antics

Just a quick update on the two year old front. J was in Pittsburg today to ref three games so I had to manage both kids at church and home alone. In theory this should be pretty easy, I mean some do this with 8 or more, but today reality won out. C was her typical self which included several outbursts of high pitched screams when she didn't get her way. She also managed to lay on the bench and repeatedly kick the lady (lucky her) seated by me. Thankfully she was cool about that part. I missed almost all announcement trying to keep the kids quiet and just before the end of the meeting as our speaker was trying to close his talk, C leaned over to H and took a bit bite out of his shoulder blade. H didn't take this very well and began crying loudly so I had to try and carry both of them out to the foyer. Sigh....just another day in the life of a mom. She didn't nap this afternoon so I am afraid I was not the best or most patient mom, but she is sleeping now and snuggled me this evening when I was reading. That part of her two year old personality is enjoyed. Just hope this theme does not carry over to her teenage days or our house will not be pretty! Heaven help us!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Heaven will help you, and so will a cool Laurel if you just ask. You have a ward family, and they will pitch in. Share your children with someone lonely.