Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa Photos

Last night we had our ward party which J was in charge of. Thankfully he was back from his trip to CA and AZ. We had a visit from Santa. C was afraid at first, but warmed up when "her friend" joined her (that would be the one of the Done girls next to her). Just for the record this is a girl from a family of 9. The girls in the family (I think 6 of them) all give C a ton of attention and she eats it up. She loves to go to church just to see them, and will say "My friends" all during church because she wants to sit with them not us. H also took a photo, but he was much more sceptical - see his face for proof. He is a thinker that one. He told me Santa is not real - at first I panicked until I realized he was just talking about the Santa at church - whew. He had two sound reasons:
1. He is not wearing boots - ok true, but I could have explained that one away.
2: Then when she sat on his lap he told me: "Mom I know he isn't real because his beard is fake." Can't argue with that so we had the real vs. fake Santa talk - you know the one -
maybe it is a helper for Santa because he is so busy.
In the meantime before the ward party J was paying a young woman in the ward to wrap his Christmas presents because he hates to do it that much. Lazy - yes, but she sure seemed happy about it.

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