Wednesday, December 24, 2008

C is cool

C - How do you describe this girl? I mean yes she is cute and cuddly, but she is also CRAZY. Here' to our cool girl:
1- C can best be described as 2 going on tween. She loves to dance, talk on the phone (real and make believe), get dolled up, and stay up past her bedtime. The other night I made J watch Mama Mia with me (he had forgotten it is a musical and agreed initially). As soon as she heard the music she was downstairs and before we could return her she was full on jamming out dancing in front of the TV to the music. That's my kind of girl! She even spent part of the movie so enthralled that we couldn't get her more than a foot and a half away from the big screen.
2- Claire is a drama queen! I guess this kind of goes without saying to anyone who knows her. She is dramatic about anything from vitamins to spiders. For a while we had a spider web in the garage that she refused to go near at all, not that I can really blame her, but she wouldn't even get close enough to the door if the car so I could load her in all because of a spider web (mind you it was over 6 feet away). I finally swept it away, but a month later she still double checks every time. Funny thing about spiders as well is that she cannot forget about a Halloween shirt I have for her with spiders on it. It was a bit too big this year, but once she saw it in the box forget it. I've been hiding it since Halloween ended, but she keeps remembering it is missing. Last night as I was putting her to bed she was almost asleep when she started crying for that dumb shirt again. AAHHHH. It has been nearly 2 weeks since she saw it last. Oh, and while on the subject of drama I can't forget to mention her murderous scream - don't even think about touching anything she might want in the next 2 hours or you will regret it!
3- She loves the colors orange and pink. Since she has been potty training she gets an M&M every time she goes in the potty. She loves getting orange and is so proud to announce this color each time I ask. She also loves pink. Anytime she is wearing it she says it proudly as well.
4- She loves to sing. At first it was only twinkle twinkle little star. She hasn't given up the tune, but no one knows all the words she puts to it now. She also loves I am a child of god, nursery rhyme songs, and now you bet - Christmas carols. What's not to love about a singing child?
5- Babies - this one is a mother in the making. I have never seen a child so enthralled by babies. Take her to the store and she will sit at the baby aisle for hours if you let her. What is the best is that she makes sure they nap, eat (even if that means putting toothpaste in bowls and feeding it to them on the CARPET!), get dressed, and she loves to sing and snuggle them.
6- Wild - this girl knows how to have a good time. Besides dancing she loves to jump on her bed (despite our discouragement), spit (this is new and she loves to do this when you try to kiss her - GROSS), run around a lot, smack you in the face when she doesn't get her way, talk back, and throw tantrums. Don't get me wrong she has a sweet side, but we seem to see the wild one more frequently.
7- She is an animal lover. She loves to snuggle Yoda especially, but when she sees other dogs around she screams loudly in an attempt to go see them. Even if Yoda is wild and knocks her over - she never stays upset usually going back to him just a minute later. Good thing Yoda seems to enjoy the attention as well.
8- She loves attention. This couldn't be more true than when she is at church. She just loves anyone telling her she is pretty, holding her, and she pretty much demands the attention of about every girl age 7-17 in the ward.
This girl is manic and lovely all in the same breath. Only hope I make it through the teenage years alive!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Thanks for the Claire update. Just lets me know what kind of craziness I'm missing!! Nana