Sunday, December 21, 2008

Poop craziness

Ok, so I need to tell someone how gross a mother's life can be. C is in potty boot camp right now. This entails an underwear all the time policy with no return. Only exceptions is pull ups when we are on outings until she is more reliable and for my sanity, and diapers at night since she still has issues holding it that long. So far we have had good and bad days. She has been getting in the habit of taking her underwear off at random moments. Well today she did that and then I heard her say "I have farty" I knew immediately that meant we needed to run to the bathroom so I swooped her up in my arms and and not second later she pooped as I was holding her - bouncing off my foot, landing on the carpet. Nothing trains you for that! J of course stayed upstairs through the hysterics, he even admitted that he thought someone might be dying by my reaction. When he heard poop though the was perfectly fine staying where he was. Some help he is - at least he is making dinner tonight or he would be in deep doo doo! Hope the rest of you are avoiding potty training for the time being. I know I can only do this so many times.

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

I'm sure if you can write papers, you can do the toilet paper team a few more times if needed!! Nana