Wednesday, December 10, 2008

oh crap

Sorry to any of you who are offended by the word crap, but with this story to follow I think you will understand. J has been out of town for a week - first in CA now in phx attending to family things. Not really sure when he will be able to return yet. In the meanwhile I am finishing off the semester. I have been trying to juggle kids, school work, church events and housework - although that has seriously been put to the side. Tonight I took the kids to my class - I talked about my research paper. Meanwhile the kids are crawling under tables, shining a flashlight on people in class, screaming, you name it. My prof is cool, but they really abused the right to be there. We left early - as was planned, and I was relieved to get out of there. On the way to the car H pointed out a huge amount of crows overhead. I guess this has been a problem on campus with them roosting to the point they set off fireworks to try and get them to leave. Well as they were flying overhead I got a big one right on the head ---- yep OH CRAP. Kind of sums up my past week, although this is probably the most entertaining part of my day so far. For all of you going through a rough spell - just think at least I haven't had a crow take a monster poop on my head - maybe that will make it just a little better. I am all showered now and feel much better.


Michelle said...

That really does put it all in perspective;P

Thanks for sharing!-Michelle

Papa Parrish said...

Now when you have a really bad day, you can say, "Well, at least a crow didn't crap on my head!" and then you can laugh. Nana