Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The kids got to see 4 of my 5 brothers on the trip. Unfortunately I forgot to take out the camera with Uncle N. Sorry about that! First they saw Uncle M with cousin G. We actually saw them before ever reaching AZ and then in AZ again! How fun. H loved to chase cousin G around and the feeling was mutual.

Next we saw Uncle N and Uncle D. Uncle D took C for a skateboard ride. She loved it and I am pretty sure she will expect one each time she seems him.

Lastly we saw Uncle B who may be leaving for a mission before we see him again. He was the entertainer near the end of our trip and lucky for me he was willing to play barbies and let H hang out in the basement. Miss you all already.

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Look at those handsome uncles. Only two handsome uncles were missing..Nana