Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Indoor soccer

H joined an indoor soccer team which plays nearly every week through February. He is enjoying himself and J is getting free entertainment as the coach. They have only had one game, but during that game they were trying to name themselves and one suggestion was the "blue balls" because their shirts are blue. J quickly shot that down, but has been laughing about it ever since. See what I mean - free entertainment???

To be honest I think I am getting free entertainment because I laughed more than I cheered. Does that make me a bad mom? H tries very hard when he plays but still has a lot to learn. I think spaz would be an accurate description of his skill level right now. This is a big improvement over his last soccer experience where he tried to walk off the field to hang out with me and have snack. Hopefully he will have fun and learn a few things at the same time.


Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

Hey John, Rich wants to know if that name was hitting a little too close to home for you. That is way too funny!!

Papa Parrish said...

Go getem team Douglas!!Nana

JamieLynn said...

Do you know what I think would be funny? If you would elaborate on why blue balls are funny.