Friday, January 22, 2010

To my Twenties

Our time has come to bid farewell, but don't think I won't remember all that we have had together. Our time together has covered some of the most memorable times in my life. You've been there when I was a bride, a soon to be mom, a new mom, and a mom again. You have seen me skinny and round, healthy and ill, happy and unhappy. You have seen me develop skills and study, study, study. You have witnessed some of the best times of my life, but now you must go. It does seem to soon, but it is time for me to move on to the next decade of my life. One that will surely be filled with new challenges and joys. Here's to my 30s.


Papa Parrish said...

In nine years you will be my age!!!!Nana

Tami said...

As usual, I am late. Happy, happy birthday Sarah dear. I thought about you all day Saturday. Hope it was a good one.