Saturday, January 9, 2010


This may get a little sappy, but I had some time to reflect this evening and I just had to write...I love my kids. They are the best. Sure sometimes they intentionally trip each other and split a lip open, or throw tantrums over oranges (or something equally silly), but they are still super. They make me laugh, cry, sing, dance, write, and fill my soul with joy. They make my day every day and I don't think I take the time often enough to appreciate all they do to enrich my life. On top of that, I have the best hubby. He may have imperfections (or more accurately quirks), but he is a fantastic dad and handles tough situations with our kids like a pro. I tend to fly off the handle at times, but he is even keeled and handles things with firmness and love. How lucky are we to have each other?!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

I'm glad you feel that way. You make a good team!!!Nana