sing while playing
have bruises on your head weekly
plug your nose when you poop
beg for snuggles at night
own too many shoes (according to J)
love your brother
scream "AMEN" at the end of prayers
give lots of hugs and kisses
talk about bodily functions (a lot)
have Dora for a best friend
You don't? Well C does!
Do you?
clear the dishwasher without being asked
complain about being cold
love to ride your bike
make sound effects with your mouth (some which resemble bodily functions)
sing songs about booties (not the kinds you wear)
love to color and do other art work
steal tape and staplers from your parentsobsess about recycling
eat veggies so you can have dessert
You don't? Well H does!
1 comment:
do you...Love to read the blog...miss grandkids...wait for phone calls and sweet messages....well, Nana does!
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