Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conference plug

It was an especially good conference weekend. I love hearing all of the speakers and feeling uplifted and reignited. While I watched I made it through all of my ironing, made 4 baby blankets, finished the stitching for the top of C's quilt (still a long way to go on that project), and folded a lot of laundry. I love to be productive! It was super nice that J hooked up the computer to the TV, and with the exception of some minimal Internet problems we were able to watch all of the sessions at home. So nice!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

I especially like the temple announcements. What is this...I do my student teaching in Brigham City,,,move, and they later announce a temple. I live in Chicago and have two children there, leave, and they build a temple. I live in Oklahoma, leave, and they build a temple. I live in Tennessee, leave, and they build a temple. I live in Florida, leave, and they build a temple. Next temple, Prescott. (When I leave.) Nana