Sunday, January 18, 2009


So this week I got some sad news. One of my very favorite students Alex had a major seizure (actually 4 of them) this past week. As a result he is in ICU with a new trach and feeding tube for his nutrition from now on. Alex is an amazing kid. When I first met him he was only 5 (in kindergarten) and he kept me on my toes. He was a runner and wild to the core. Over time he mellowed out and reminded me more of a little old man. He would grab rear ends to get attention, always smile, and he his hands moved like those that had been affected by arthritis (this is part of what happens from the disability he has). What is so neat about him is not all of this, but rather his infectious personality. Alex was a the kind of kid that could make anyone feel happy - always smiling. He seemed to be able to sense when you were a bit down and would reach out in what seemed attempts of comfort. For a child who could not talk or do much independently, he said more through his actions and expressions than you can imagine. He is the kind of person I imagine the Savior to be - calm in the storm, comforting, approachable, and optimistic. When he was born and first diagnosed the doctors told his mom he would live to be 5. Now at 10 he has amazed nearly everyone he has come in contact with and I know he is a major source of inspiration for me. So for those of you who are spiritual in any way please say a prayer for his mom, who I am sure is struggling with continual health decisions and the fear of losing her wonderful child who has brought love and happiness to so many. She is a wonderful woman who as a single mom has gone through this whole journey primarily on her own. I pray that she may feel comfort from our Savior and all that know and love Alex.

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