Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well I just need to vent right now - and J is assessing a referee. This week has brought illness into our house. First Claire had pink eye - that was just a blast. Then the past few days my throat has been sore. For those of you who don't recall I had my tonsils out less than a year ago - around Thanksgiving. Well today I am about 97% sure that I have strep throat. My throat is white and pussy - and looks just like strep only without huge tonsils in the way. I am so frustrated about this. Why in the world did I spend two weeks in pain and a lot of money to prevent myself from getting strep if I was just going to keep getting it? I am in serious pain and it is just a pain! On top of that I have to study for a comprehensive exam this weekend, run a super Saturday craft, have a dinner party, and there are no available appointments tomorrow at the health center where I can get medical treatment. I talked to the on call nurse and she just said "show up and demand treatment." I guess that is pretty good advice, but if I need to scream to demand it I might die! I am going to get Tylenol. Thanks for listening.

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