Saturday, October 25, 2008

haunted house

Last night we took the kids to their first haunted house. One of the parents from J's soccer team owns a restaurant/inn close to our home. This weekend they turned it into a haunted house. It was very mild and they didn't try to jump out and scare C at all (which was nice for me because I was holding her and I am easily startled). The kid from J's team was dressed as a gorilla - and he jumped out to scare J and H. He did a good job with H who clutched J's hand, but no screaming at all. It was a lot of fun, and definitely got us in the Halloween mood. This year we will have a cat and a repeat Spiderman. H pointed out that no one here knew he was spiderman last year, so he should be that again. Works for me - the costume fits, and no more money spent. C is very excited about her cat ears (headband) and tail. I will be sure to post pictures of this!

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