Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin pickin'

As promised we went to Way Fruit Farm today to pick our pumpkin. H was excited all week about this and we had a great time. We rode in a trailer on the back of a tractor (a hayride without the itchy hay) to the pumpkin patch. H kept picking 25 lb pumpkins and since it is a per pound ordeal we told him that we had to be able to carry it out. Who needs to carve a 25 lb pumpkin? It ended up being a cold windy day - the kind that chills to the bone, so our trip was pretty short. No picking apples, but luckily there were a ton already picked to bag yourself. I got the largest bag so I could make applesauce and apple crisp. Plus with the basement unfinished it is a great place to store apples (nice and cold, but not freezing - yet). Ended up seeing quite a few people we knew there - kind of like a ward party only no potluck. Hopefully we can go again next year, but maybe the day will be a bit warmer. Oh, also tried the best cider I have ever tasted. SO YUMMY! It was great to spend the morning as a family without distractions - no homework and J with us. We had potato soup when we got home with grilled ham and cheese to warm us up. Oh, one more thing - we officially have a big hole in our lot! Not a basement yet, but it is a hole. I will try to post some really great pictures of H in the backhoe soon. They are on J's camera. Sorry no pictures of the beautiful fall leaves yet. I am still a bit too busy to keep up with all my hobbies.

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