Thursday, September 17, 2009

parent night

Tonight was parent night at school. J stayed home with the kids since they weren't supposed to come, and I went to meet H's teacher and see the school. Because of my short visit the first day of classes (see previous post), I was a little surprised by how small the school is. There is really only one hallway of classes, and the gym which is also the cafeteria. There are maybe 20 rooms in the whole school. I also realized that H is the only kid who is LDS in his school. This is a bit different from last year where we had one other LDS family at his school. At church he finally has one other kid in his grade, but as luck would have it he is in a different primary class, argggh. Anyway, back on topic. The teacher seems great, he is doing well, and has been described as a sweet kid. No real surprise there. The one surprise was that there is only one recess. H had told me this, but I figured he wasn't counting the one after lunch or something. They have on recess in the morning (for only about 15-20 min), and none after lunch. I think this is a bit weird (especially since they only have PE every 6 school days and all you ever hear is about childhood obesity). I have mixed feelings...more time for academics, but really at 6 years you need to run around periodically. Time will tell how this one plays out. Hope your school year is moving along nicely.

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Harrison can probably do without the recess...but I bet there are kids in there who will climb the wall until they get used to all day in deskland!! Nana I will venture to say that Harrison is probably not a candidate for childhood obesity,either!!