Saturday, September 26, 2009

A conversation with C

So here is a conversation I had last night with C.
Mom: "C what is your favorite song?"
C: "Temple" (I love to see the temple - a primary song)
M: We sing it and I point out a picture of the Mesa temple on the wall of her bedroom and say "That is where daddy and mommy got married".
C: "Did you wear white slippers?"
M: "Yes" (I am a little perplexed how she knew that).
C: "Did you wear all white?"
M: "Yes" (A little more perplexed)
C: "I bet you looked pretty."
Ahhhh, so sweet. I asked her nursery leader, who is now in YW with me if they talked about this in nursery. No, they sing I love to see the temple, but no business about the white. C is always amazing me with her spunk, questions, and sweetness. What a fun girl to raise. Shouldn't ever be boring around our house!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

So maybe she just looked in on the marriage, just making sure you got it all right...all white... and got your slippers on!!Nana