Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just wrong

I wasn't planning on posting again today, but with photos like this...who could resist. No need to say how potty training is going as these photos are definitely worth 1000 words. All I heard before I found this was "MAMA YUCKY POOP!" At least I know she is doing well verbally, because her description of the situation was accurate. Funny how she just happened to do this when John was out at a meeting. The clean up was nasty, and right now I feel like this part of motherhood is just wrong. C had a bath, and now as fresh as ever. H refused to join her in the tub, can't blame him at all. Just try and imagine trying to clean this, while trying to keep C in the bathroom and the dog out of this mess. Yesterday he tried to lick up urine and his tongue started having seizure like movements. Can only imagine what he would have done with this on his tongue. I really don't want to know. There is no way his mouth is cleaner than mine as some people claim. I wouldn't even believe hard data on this fact. Hope your evening was less eventful.


Papa Parrish said...

Poor little girl!! How would your mama feel if I posted her poop on the internet for all to see? I guess she can keep it for blackmail in your teen years, Miss C! I send my sympathy. Don't let this happen again...the consequences are far too stinky! Love you, poop and all, Nana

Baby Oven said...

Sorry but that is disgusting. You win because atleast my little guy keeps it in the bathtub where I can send it down the drain. Good luck with this potty training thing. As far as I'm concerned she can't learn fast enough. Take Care!

Tami said...

All I'm gonna say is it could have been worse. I was pooped on today. And, I've had my fair share of those moments. Love you.

Douglas Family said...

Thanks to those of you who provided encouragment! Today we got poop IN the potty! YIPEE!