Saturday, March 14, 2009

Coming to an end

So spring break is coming to an end and I am feeling a bit sad about it. The week was well deserved - especially with all that happened just prior. I finally had a little chance to relax. Don't get me wrong I still studied - Skinner again. Today though I feel a bit sentimental. It all started with H coming into my room this morning. He had been up since 7am. I like to sleep in once and a while, so he just watched cartoons for an hour while C slept. When he came in later, I looked at him with his missing tooth and realized my baby is getting old - almost 6! I know this is cheesy and so many people warned me, but they do grow up way to fast. I mean he won't even kiss my on the lips anymore! Then I think it is just about official that C is potty trained, so it hit me that she is getting old too. Not a baby at all anymore, although she still likes the binky (that is the next thing to tackle). Ok and she also has the tantrum perfected, so we have a way to go with that, but both of them are getting to be self-sufficient. They can entertain themselves, they like to be with friends more than mom (although C still says she is my best baby). I know that is the ultimate goal, but who knew they would be able to get this far so soon? All I know is it is going to be a rough week coming up because I just know I am going to miss them a ton! Love my kids!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Yeah, they get potty trained, lose teeth, borrow your clothes, drive your car, and leave you. All I can say is at least I get hand-me-downs now! Nana