Friday, December 4, 2009


One for me and one for C.
C truly demonstrated that she is a child of the 21st century (soon to be the 21.1 century). Today she learned how to use a mouse with a single click to blow things up on the computer. What is her generation called anyway - GEN - Z? She was initially excited by this task, but grew bored after a while. She was helping a friend with her dissertation study. She is trying to analyze mouse use for small children and how hand eye coordination is related to how they do on the task. The hope is this can be applied to kids with motor challenges in the future. Anyway she got 5 stickers and loved spending time with another adult - who was great at giving attention! It was a pleasure to listen to all that went on from the other room. She is such a crack up (asking for stickers for her brother too, telling about her friends, explaining that her name starts with a C and mine with an S, etc.). What a cool kid to raise.
For me it is official that I passed Comp 1. This happened a little while back, but the end of the semester is here and so I have been preoccupied and not reported it here. J and I celebrated by going on a date! That was wonderful.
Now hopefully I can get everything else done by the Thursday when all my deadlines are here. I am in good shape so far, so as long as nothing crazy happens (I am knocking on wood - consider my history - appendix with John, etc.) I should be good.
I am looking forward to two weeks off. They may be tiring weeks, but it will be a change of pace and time spent with my family! Hooray!

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