Sunday, July 26, 2009

Things I want to remember...

I have been thinking about this for a few days. C is at a really cute stage (well some times anyway). She does and says really silly things and some of them are just things I know she won't do for long, so I better record them now. H is usually very sweet as well, and there are a few things he does that I am sure won't last long either.
*The way she talks to her babies. It goes something like this "honey it's ok, don't cry I will get you some num nums and then you can go to sleep later."
*The way she gets into laughing fits with H. This is one of my favorites. When J and I catch them we usually break out into one as well. Yesterday they broke into one every time H said "Dancing danish". Doesn't make sense to me, but maybe if you picture a danish dancing you will see it.
*The way she apologizes when she has an accident. "Sorry mom I didn't mean to...I won't do it again." I always know she won't keep her promise, but when she says it she is so sincere.
*The way she begs to be on the counter anytime I am cooking. It is probably to taste test, but I like to think she wants to be with me.
*The way she announces "I like you". She also announces when she likes someone better than another person, we are trying to stop that one.
*The way she lights up when Dora comes on. I know many girls go through this stage, but I honestly think she believes Dora is her best friend. The way she talks to the TV throughout the show and always announces that Dora is her favorite part at the end. Last night she claims her dream was about Dora - wouldn't doubt it for a second.
*The way she renames herself. Today her name is Suki, the other day it was Hussey. If you call her the wrong name...she WILL correct you!
*The way he holds me to my word...don't you dare mention anything you might do if you don't plan to carrying it out soon.
*How he wakes me in the morning begging to start a cleaning project I talked about doing. This one is a bit annoying at the time, but I am sure soon he won't want to help me at all!
*The way he tries to involve his sister in what he does.
*The way he loves to be with his dad. This week J made him a sword. You should have heard the squeals. I was just thinking man how long until he hurts someone with that - then John announced you can only fight the air, not hitting people or things.
*The way he looks for my approval with just about anything he does. It can be very sweet and others often comment on it.
*The way he is such a big helper. He probably does as many chores around the house as I do some days.
Mostly I just love my kids. They are super. One more quick story. This past week (or maybe the one before I am losing track) J called me to have the kids come over and spread hay in the backyard over the grass seed he put down. This is what people do here. I took the kids over and they had a blast. You would have thought it was Disney World the way they were screaming and playing. John and I were very pleased that they could find something so simple fun. They ended up messy since it started raining, but the fun lasted the whole time. Just picture them running around throwing hay everywhere!

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