Thursday, July 16, 2009

odds & ends

Lots of new posts follow this one, so if you have time...catch up with us. I turned in another draft of my paper to my advisor today. I love the feeling I get when I turn it over to him. I think it is from knowing I won't be looking at it again until I get his input. The break is lovely! Today I spent time watching a friends kids so she could take one of her little ones to a mom & me swim lesson. Then we went to the university to drop off my paper, stop at the library and pick up prescriptions. The kids were exceptionally grouchy, which made the other errands a little annoying. We finally made it home after a few other stops around 2:00. Then I packed! Yes, again. I feel like this is becoming a yearly event! Hopefully I will get a couple of years off before I need to pack again - or maybe I will get a smoking job offer and they will pack for me. I am probably dreaming, but it's one of my favorite past times :) I am sure the next week or so will be spent either helping J, or packing. Hopefully the kids will be in a good mood!

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