Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 ways to keep busy...

while mom is packing and cleaning:
10- Watch DORA!
9- Yell at the dog.
8- Play with the 3 remaining toys mom left out for you.
7- Steal food from the fridge.
6- Pull all the toilet paper off the roll.
5- Write on your body.
4- Unpack boxes mom is nearly done with.
3- Make up goofy songs.
2-Pee on your brother's bed.
1-Stick a styrofoam peanut piece up your nose.
Yes, these are thanks to C! What a nut! Just for the record the styrofoam peanut was easily blown out when the other nostril was plugged. H really hasn't participated in many of these activities (except cartoon watching). He begs to help, so I put him to work instead.


Alyssa said...

Oh no! I was hoping the toilet paper unrolling and undoing things you just did ended at some point! She is a funny one! Can't wait to come see the new house!

bkbills said...

I'm not good at leaving comments, but I do check your blog! I'm sorry moving was such a pain! I can imagine how bad it will be when we eventually leave this house! Hope the new home is treating you well!