Thursday, July 16, 2009

Swim lessons

Both kids are currently in swim lessons. C had a rough start. She cried the entire first lesson. Lesson 2 she cried unless the teacher held her. Lesson 3 she cried some but mostly just when she had to hold onto the wall. Lesson 4 - NO CRYING! Wow, I was excited. Especially since H spent all his time telling me "Mom! C is crying, go get her!" He is very protective. She has done well getting used to lessons. Already she will jump in the water, put her face in the water and blow bubbles (but only for a short time), kick and move her arms some, and float on her back. I am pleasantly surprised. H has done well. The first lesson he was a little hesitant, but he has been swimming with just a noodle most of the lessons. His biggest problem is that he tries to swim vertical instead of horizontal. I think this is so his face won't get wet. He is jumping in by himself to a noodle or the teacher, and he is having a great time. I only got one photo that wasn't blurry, so I will post more later. I am debating putting them in the next session, we'll see. Oh, forgot to mention C really loves watching the gymnastics class while H is in his lesson. Maybe she can try that next.

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