Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ponies, kisses, & shoes

Just a few stories:
The other day J picked up C from the sitter. On the way home she announced to J "I have pony on my head". Was pretty confused and after she said this a few times he looked back to her and realized her pony - was a ponytail on the top of her head. Too cute.
Apparently H is now too big for kisses with mom. If I am lucky I can convince him to give me one a few times a week. When I asked him why he told me "kissing you just isn't that fun anymore". Wow that is a bit brutal - hopefully the other man in my life doesn't agree.
H went shopping with J yesterday and they bought new school shoes for H. Pretty excited that we made it past mid year for the first pair. When I got home he was so exited to tell me they bought Sketchers. I guess this is the brand for shoes in kindergarten. Oh boy! We just opened a whole other dimension in the area of parenting - name brand clothing. Here we go!

1 comment:

JamieLynn said...

Sketchers are definately for kindergarteners!! When we were shoe shopping for Jackson, he told us he wanted shoes called sketchersareawesome. Apparently he had seen a commercial that said sketchers are awesome and thought it was the full name of the shoe!