Saturday, February 28, 2009

Biggest ever

J has earned bragging rights. Today he got an email from his anesthesiologist (our home teacher) about his surgery. He said that his appendix was the biggest one he had ever seen - 5 1/2 inches. I don't really have anything normal to compare that to. His surgery was also one of the smoothest he has seen. All in all J has earned bragging rights for appendix size! Now he finally has a weird fact about himself to stump others at parties and such. He is doing well, and should come home tomorrow. Next week he will be laying low while he is recovering. Thank you for all of your well wishes, and service provided - we appreciate all that has been done for us.

1 comment:

JamieLynn said...

Glad to hear everything is fine. Thank goodness for modern medicine and HD TV.