Friday, March 2, 2012


Excuse my language, but need to share a couple of crappy stories. Literally!
Once upon a time, I got accepted to present at a conference...twice. Yep, so I prepared to travel to beautiful San Antonio, stayed in a beautiful hotel (lacking a little sound proofing) on the riverwalk. I met great people, got some great networking done, and presented my sessions. I even had some time to walk around the riverwalk and soak in the atmosphere. All in all it was looking to be a great trip. Then while enjoying the riverwalk after a nice lunch with my new friends, a bird pooped on me! Straight on my hair, glasses, and face. YUCK! Thankfully the nice people I was with, helped clean me up (with Clorox wipes) and I was able to go to my room to wash out my hair. This is not the first time a bird has given me such a message. Nope, I have actually had this experience before. I think it is getting old. Share the love poopy birds and go crap elsewhere.
Now for second crappy story. I don't have great luck when I travel by plane. I don't really do it very often (maybe 2 times a year at most). However, it seems I get more than my fair share of troubles. I have been delayed/cancelled for weather, missed a flight (or more accurately they overbooked the flight and kicked us off since we were one of the last to arrive), and now also been delayed due to mechanical failures. I have actually slept in an airport (I am sure I am not the only one, but it is annoying). So where I was going to arrive home on a Friday evening around 11pm, now looks like an arrival Saturday mid-day around noon - and this is if everything goes well. So, if you see me soon and I look disheveled and exhausted you will know why.
That is all, thanks for listening (reading).

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Crappy trip all a round...and then to come home to sick kids! The birds are just trying to make certain you have enough humility when attending these national conferences and amazing them with your presentations.Keep up the good, not the birds!