Sunday, April 1, 2012

Where oh where has my Chewy gone??

Chewy's gone missing. He does this from time to time. Must be the wild in him.
His brother has already learned what happens when you get wild (see photo below of Obi after his encounter with something - I like to believe a feisty opossum). Obi came back limping, bloody, and sat on our sofa for almost a week only moving to get water (which we brought to him initially). Since then he has fully recovered, and doesn't go on such long adventures anymore.
But Chewy is a different story. In between his naps he ventures into fields, brings home prizes for us (which are not welcome), and enjoys the beautiful outdoors. We would have forced him to be inside, but he knows how to use the dog door and keeping Yoda inside all the time really isn't an option.
Plus, in case you don't remember - he prefers to be wild, so life solely indoors would be no life for him. So today we made missing signs and posted them around hoping that Chewy will abandon his wild ways and come home. So if you see him...please tell him to come home and we will try to make his indoor life a little more exciting.

1 comment:

Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

I am behind on checking blogs...Way to go John for planning such a fun graduation trip! Looks like you guys had lots of fun!