Sunday, July 17, 2011

Writing goal

I will be done with data collection for my dissertation in about a week, so things are heating up for me to get the writing done. The past few weeks have kept me so busy with family stuff, kids, data collection, etc. I realized that I needed to set a goal to get myself back on target and make sure I am making enough progress each week.
Here are my goals:
-Write for 20 hours a week - I don't include other work I do such as coding data, emailing, prepping for Fall, etc. I only count writing or research that relates to something I need to write. This week I logged 20.5 hours in 5 days - not too shabby! Plus I feel more relaxed today (my do not work day) since I can see how much I worked this week.
- Turn in Comp 2 to committee by August 1st.
- Turn in draft of dissertation to advisor August 22. I will probably turn in some parts earlier than that.
The list goes on but basically I am trying to get it all done for the December graduation deadlines which means I will likely have an early October defense.

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