Thursday, June 16, 2011

Anni #11

So here we are again. Another anniversary. I can't remember exactly what I wrote last year so hopefully this isn't too much of a repeat.
In 11 years we have:
-lived in 2 apartments, 2 townhouses, 2 houses and remodeled 1 house (plus we just started finishing the basement on our current house)
-lived in 2 states (I know many of you are beating us by a long shot on this one - but it isn't a race)
-had 2 wonderful kids who make this marriage even more exciting
-bought 3 cars (not counting the ones we owned when we got married - Dodge Ram truck, Dodge Durango, and the latest Ford Focus - gotta love the gas mileage)
-had 2 dogs, and 3 cats (currently 1 dog and 2 cats)
Plus, I have been in school almost continuously - that has to say something about the kind of hubby J is to me.
Things we want to do in the future:
-Get S finished with school - for good (I am sure I speak for both of us here and the kids as well for that matter)
-Travel! We really haven't done much of this - but time and money has always been a bit limited.
-Stay together!
Well that about sums it up, been married a while - and want to stay that way! I love my hubby so much and I am happy with the choice I made!
PS Can't wait for our date to celebrate tonight - and neither can the kids. They love their babysitters!


Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

Congrats on 11 years! Next time we plan a group anniversary trip you guys will HAVE to go! That will help your travel goal!! 8)

Liz said...

Happy 11th Anniversary to you and your hubby..that is fantastic and quite an accomplishment these days!! I liked the list you made..our 10th is coming up and I want to write out something like this for ours as well..thanks for the idea friend!!