Today is a great day.
1. The rain went away and there is sunshine. A perfect day to weed (that is how you know it is a great want to weed).
2. My data are looking beautiful - I know this sounds weird, but honestly better than some textbook examples. (For the record data is plural so you do need to say data are - not data is. One of the somewhat random things that has been drilled into my head).
3. My first paraeducator entered training today - so I am making great progress on my very unrealistic research schedule.
4. I got a lot done today, and had breakfast with the hubby.
5. J was going to be out of town tonight, but his games for tonight and early tomorrow were rained out so we get to go on a date instead - if I can find a babysitter that is!
Tomorrow will be a lot of data analysis, but tonight I am going to celebrate the good things that are happening!
Go get 'em, girl. You can do this data are stuff!! MamaP
Hi Sarah! I haven't blogged in forever, so decided to have a fresh start and started a new blog and wanted to give u the address. It's: Hopefully I can keep it better updated! Also..I tried to add your blog address to my sidebar but it wouldn't go on for some reason. I will keep trying. Sounds like you are doing good, i'm so glad we have a way to keep in touch. Lots of love, Liz
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