Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A few cool things

Ok, so I still don't have video up and I apologize for that, but to put this in perspective let me tell you about my weekend. This weekend I needed to sort through close to 500 studies for 3 different research topics and read (more like browse in my case) nearly 100 studies at about 12 pages length on average. Lets just say I was busy, oh and I also had to study for my first comprehensive exam which I lived through Monday night - but no word if I passed yet - a B is required to pass, and the teacher has VERY HIGH EXPECTATIONS. I am told no one has failed yet, but there is a first for everything right? Today I thought I would recount a few favorite things:
1- C saying "hi big gog" - translated hi big dog every time she walks through the door when we come home. She got this from J who I don't even think realized that he does this until she started repeating it every time without fail. It is half cute, half annoying.
2- Changing leaves - which are nearly in full force. I will try to take some photos this weekend between studying.
3- J's pep talks - this morning it was "You better not quit". Somehow he manages to say things in a way that are not taken offensively even though when I rewrite them it seems like it was offensive. I love his pep talks - HONESTLY! Oh, and for the record I am not quitting
4- C's excitement when she sees buses. She rode a bus for the first time on campus last week, and then again today. She is half thrilled, half terrified with the experience, and she holds on tight.
5- Frolicking chipmunks and squirrels - yesterday I actually felt a little like Snow White because I had so many chipmunks and squirrels as I walked along the path to my office on campus. I don't know if this is a good or bad omen.
6- Foggy mornings - We've been having a lot of these lately and the thrill hasn't worn off. It is very appropriate for preparing the mood for Halloween.
7- Spiderwebs in the field - I noticed this on a foggy morning driving to work past a field. There were spiderwebs in the brush growing the field every couple of feet. It was also a cool thing with Halloween coming and I wanted a photo, but didn't have my camera. It is hard to describe how cool and unreal it looked.
8- Seeing my 2nd live Groundhog. You know this might not seem like a big deal, but we are relatively near to the home of Puxatawney Phil, and all I have really seen of groundhogs is their dead corpses lying in and along roads. GROSS - it is a wonder the famous Phil is still alive. The other day though I actually saw a live Groundhog next to the road. Now I see why they are always dead - find a new hangout guys.
9- One last one, and I know I already mentioned this, but seeing H sound out a new word. This is so fun and exciting and I love seeing his little mind make the connections to read the word. So far he is up to reading 4 books! WOW - Way to go bud!
That's all for now. Back to work!

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