J attempted to surprise me with at trip to Cancun for graduation. Apparently my tendency to make plans foiled his big surprise (he was going to tell me less than 12 hours before we would need to leave for the airport), however when he told me I was still very surprised and excited. Plus I had 3 weeks to try and get fit for a swimsuit!
The flight there was uneventful (but we were pretty tired since we were up at 4am), and we had time to get settled and enjoy the rest of the day.
The weather, and scenery was perfect. Seriously, this photo was my view when laying on the beach - looks like a post card it is so perfect. The waves were also nice - would have been great for body boarding or surfing, but after John dove into some rocks and got this....
We decided that playing in the waves was probably best. The water was the perfect temperature and I never felt cold my entire time there! (Can't say I have that experience now that we are home). We got used to the pampered life immediately including lots of desserts, towel creations on the bed, massages, and delicious food.
We also enjoyed a bike ride, shopping, leisurely walks (although we had to consciously learn to slow down), and creatures around the resort. Here is the Mexican badger (tejon) getting food from a child at the resort. They were all over and very cute (even if they might carry diseases).
We even took an excursion to Cancun in an attempt to meet up with my brother to deliver his Christmas package on his mission. While we didn't end up meeting up we did find some good deals, and enjoyed exploring more than the resort (although we could have done that the whole time and still enjoyed ourselves). Here we are at a Cancun market. J made excellent use of his negotiation skills!
I loved being in Mexico, hearing Spanish, and getting away. The people in Mexico were a pleasure to be around.
I mean, really where else is there a mariachi band playing Christmas music???
The best part of the trip was definitely hanging out with my sweetheart. He was so sweet to plan this for me after enduring several years without much relaxation. I can't wait to escape again!
A honeymoon worth the wait!
Looks like tons of fun!! Congrats on your graduation. You have worked so hard!!! (It is Emily - not Cody but it comes up as his email!!)
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