Friday, May 20, 2011

MoTab shout out

You should be hearing the hallelujah chorus in the background as you read this:

Today is a great day.
1. The rain went away and there is sunshine. A perfect day to weed (that is how you know it is a great want to weed).
2. My data are looking beautiful - I know this sounds weird, but honestly better than some textbook examples. (For the record data is plural so you do need to say data are - not data is. One of the somewhat random things that has been drilled into my head).
3. My first paraeducator entered training today - so I am making great progress on my very unrealistic research schedule.
4. I got a lot done today, and had breakfast with the hubby.
5. J was going to be out of town tonight, but his games for tonight and early tomorrow were rained out so we get to go on a date instead - if I can find a babysitter that is!

Tomorrow will be a lot of data analysis, but tonight I am going to celebrate the good things that are happening!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well after 2 days of data collection my whole family seems to be sick - just a common cold, but still annoying. I think we have gone through 2 boxes of tissues in 2 days. It started with C, then J and I got it shortly after. Now H is complaining of a sore throat, so it seems he is coming down with it as well. Not very fun since my data collection needs to continue - at least the worst of it was over a weekend. Hope to be back up and running Monday.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Great news

1. It has been sunny for several days. This in and of itself is almost a miracle after a month of what seemed like nonstop rain!
2. I started data collection for my study today. This has been a pain to get set up, but I am glad I am finally to this point!
3. See the next post - kitties!
Nice to have a good week after having one that was so rotten!

Newest family additions!

Meet the newest family additions! Chewbacca

and Obi Wan!

The kids are thrilled and the past few nights have been fun with them around. Yoda also met them - Chewy took to him a bit faster but they are all friends now (think lots of licking).

We had a brief scare thinking C might be allergic - her eyes were very swollen and red the day after we got them, but turns out it was pink eye and she is doing much better.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dissertations aren't for wusses!

So my brothers might try to tell you I am a wuss. In many ways they would be completely correct. I don't really like to push myself physically. I enjoy being room temperature (weather extremes aren't my thing). I can be a complainer if you try to pick on me, etc. All that said...the process of getting a dissertation is harder than anything I have done - and I have done a few challenging things in my life. When all this is over - no one will be able to call me a wuss again!
My dissertation makes me have horrible dreams (bugs falling on me, lions mauling me, getting Fs in a class I forgot to attend, etc), keeps me up in the middle of the night, gives me stomach aches, and more. I really wouldn't recommend it for anyone. The past month for me has been exceptionally difficult (ok really this whole past semester). I am trying to get participants for my study. I need at least 3 pairs of an adult (classroom or one on one aide) and child. They must be in the same classroom, know each other, etc. Lots of requirements for both of the participants. It has been VERY challenging. I have actually had more people say no than yes so far. I had hoped to be collecting data weeks ago, but I am still trying to get another participant instead. I have to be honest, I have seriously contemplated giving up altogether, or trying again in the Fall - it has been that bad. I mean working at a fast food joint has seemed quite appealing. I have cried more than I want to admit and it has just been a dreary forecast in my world.
BUT.........I have a super husband who should consider being a motivational speaker, or a weight loss coach (think Jillian), or maybe a drill Sargent. He hasn't let me give up! He has put up with my mood swings, and listened to me complain multiple times. My advisor also helped me come up with a few solutions which was great, but J has a way of telling it straight and not backing down. Sometimes I want to scream when he does that (ok sometimes I actually scream), but in this case I needed it! Looks like things will likely be moving forward this summer after all (I need only one more participant and I have 4 more possibilities), which is a very good thing because dissertations should be completed as quickly as possible so you can regain your sanity before retirement age! Don't worry though, you all will know when I am finally collecting data!

C's Makeover

C and H have been joining me for mutual lots lately. J has been busy with soccer on Wed nights. H has been lucky enough to join the scout group a little early and loves that. C usually just hangs with me. One week we did makeovers and she ended up being the model. She loved getting makeup on - and all the attention from the girls.Isn't she lovely???

Happy Mother's day

to all you moms out there! Hope your day is great and filled with pampering.

Easter a little late

J was out of town on Easter and about 10 days leading up to it. He had a big tournament to attend and it was actually really cool that he got to go. On Easter I had plans to take the regular photos, but I couldn't figure out where my camera was, so no photos were taken. I found it the following week an we took a belated Easter photo. It was actually good that I waited, because the the tulips were a little late this year - since spring came late. Several goofy faces later we got a few good ones (ok so a bit of goofy in the good shots as well). Hope your Easter was great.