Saturday, August 8, 2009

You snooze...

you loose. It's happened to me. You see I was planning on going to see my brother and family in Chicago, but plans fell through with all the frenzy around the house last month. Now they are moving. What? No fair, 10 hour drive just became a 20 hour drive. Too bad for us. Hate it when we overbook our lives and miss out on all the fun! Hope everything goes smoothly for you. For your sake, I hope Hormel will be packing and moving you. I know first hand that is no fun at all!


Baby Oven said...

It's sad that you couldn't come but we thought lots about you. Just so you know Hormel does pack up and move us. Yea!!!!!!

Papa Parrish said...

We did miss you. I would have tended kids so you could go on a date with Baby oven and man, and Jax and Max's folks! Nana