Saturday, August 29, 2009

Busy week...

but I managed to fit in a little downtime. Today I went to a baptism of a new lady in our ward. It was a wonderful service for a great person! This afternoon I spent a lot of time reading (oh yes, school is definitely in). I also had some time this weekend to plant a few things. Our yard is looking better day by day. Today the kids relaxed, played, and yelled at neighbors houses to try to get friends to come out to play. Well, really that was mostly C. Maybe we should collect telephone numbers or learn to use doorbells! It didn't work for the friends they intended, but they did meet two new friends, ages 6 (a first grader in the neighborhood -WOO HOO) and 4. The kids had a great time. We also discovered this week that we have two LDS neighbors. It is super fun for us to have members so close. There are a few clusters like that around, but mostly we are very spread out. Both are couples without kids, so maybe we can even sick our kids on them and escape (wow I just thought of that super idea). We also had a bday party for the hubby and friend Adam yesterday. J is officially 30 in an hour, so go ahead and call to harass him. In lieu of a cake for him I got him 30 hot wings to celebrate. Luckily we had friends to eat some or he would be very sick right now. We did have cake for Adam, so no one went off the deep end to get sugar. The party was a success, and both boys hopefully feel loved. Thanks to all who came!

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Happy Birthday, John D from your favorite mother-in-law!!!