Sunday, June 14, 2009

Poison Ivy

J may not like me posting this, but I hardly ever update about his life. About a week and a half ago J went to a service project for a family in the ward. He helped do yard work while he was there. The men came into contact with poison ivy that day and J was among the men who didn't realize what it was right away. Hey, he grew up in AZ you can't really fault him on this one. When he arrive home he took precautions to safely remove it from his body. Well about a week and a half later and he is fighting some symptoms. He had just a few small sores at first, but it flared up this weekend. No fun for him, but this one risk living in this area. To be fair in the J update, the house is coming along as well. The curb and sidewalks went in this week. The counter tops are in, just need to be polished. The porch is coming along as well. Looks like we will move in July since we have had so many delays. Can't really put it off past that since our lease will be up. Also soccer has been keeping him busy as well. He has had games nearly every weekend, which is super for him, but sometimes tiring for me. He also passed his latest soccer assessment, so he is moving along in this area.

1 comment:

Papa Parrish said...

Good going, John!! Nothing can stop you from building a house for your family, not sleet, nor snow, nor surgery, nor poison ivy!!! Moving forward, Yeah!!!!Nana